Posted On | 21st December, 2024 | ||||||
Starting Date | 9th December, 2024 | ||||||
Closing Date | 22nd January, 2025 | ||||||
Designation | Junior Engineer | Age Limit | Max- 35 Years (Age relaxation is applicable as per ISM Dhanbad) | ||||
Qualification | Diploma (Relevant Subject) |
Posts | Advt. No: 411002/6/2024-NFR Details of posts with a category-wise breakup are as follows: The post-wise, Qualification are as follows: |
Application Fee | GEN : 500 OBC : 500 EWS : 500 | Examination Date | Will be notified soon | ||||
Selection Process | Written |
Admit Card | Will be uploaded soon |
Job type | Contractual | Application mode | Online | ||||
Important Links |
How to apply | 1. Read the advertisement carefully, Before you apply. 2. The candidates should apply online through the official link on or before 22 January 2025. 3. Keep your Documents whole, and at the time of submission check each document carefully. 4. Wherever an Application Fee is required for Submission of an Application, It Must be submitted on time, or else the Application will be rejected. 5. After successful submission of an application, it is required to have a copy of your application form, for further process. 6. For any other information, visit the official site. General Instructions: 1 The Institute reserves its right to place a reasonable limit on the total number of candidates to be called for selection process. Fulfillment of qualifications per-se does not entitle a candidate to be called for selection process. Admission of the applicants to any stage of the selection process will be purely provisional subject to confirmation that they satisfy the prescribed eligibility conditions. Mere issue of registration certificate/ Admit card/ call letter will not imply that his/ her candidature has been found eligible. The Institute reserves the right not to fill up the posts, cancel the Advt. in whole or in part without assigning any reason and its decision in this regard shall be final. 2 The Institute follows the reservation norms as per GOI rules. Central Govt. approved list of OBC-NCL category is applicable at IIT (ISM), Dhanbad. Age relaxation for OBC – NCL candidates against reserved post shall be admissible as per Government of India norms. Reservation is admissible to reserved category subject to production of relevant certificate issued by the Competent Authority in the prescribed GoI’s latest format. The same must be valid as on the date of closing date of applying against the advertisement. In the case of candidates who have served the Institute or other IITs/NITs/CFTIs etc. for at least three years on regular post, the maximum age limit may be relaxed by 5 years. (No age relaxation for the employees from private organizations shall be admissible under this clause.) Age relaxations as per GoI norms shall also be admissible to the regular employees of Central/State Governments; Ex-Servicemen, Divyang candidates etc. 3 The closing date for submission of application shall be considered the cut-off date for age, educational qualification and experience etc. 4 The Institute reserves the right to assign/ transfer the selected candidates to any section / department within the Institute. 5. A preliminary shortlisting of the candidates shall be made on the basis of essential qualifications and experience mentioned in the advertisement. The final selection will be on the basis of performance of the shortlisted candidates in recruitment test(s) viz. Written test and Trade test/ Computer Proficiency test, as per Recruitment Rules of IIT (ISM) Dhanbad. Institute reserves its rights to decide the method of shortlisting the candidates for recruitment test(s) viz. Written test and Trade test /Computer Proficiency test, in case large number of applications are received. 6 No TA/DA will be paid for appearing in the recruitment tests. 7 Recruitment Fee and mode of payment: Recruitment fee Rs. 500/- to be paid through SBI collect link available on the website of the Institute (Select category: Educational Institutions, Filter by State: Jharkhand, Search for Educational Institution: IIT (ISM), Dhanbad) and the payment details are to be filled in the application form. (Application fee is Non-refundable) Note: PwDs/Ex-Servicemen/Female candidates are exempted from payment of recruitment fee. 8 Application is required to be submitted online latest by 22.01.2025 using the Non-Faculty Recruitment module available on the link Notes: Applications received after the closing dates and incomplete applications (incomplete information, without relevant supporting and complete documents) will be summarily rejected. All details furnished in the online application will be treated as final and no changes shall be entertained later. Applicant will be solely responsible for the entries made in the application form. Applicants are advised to fill their correct and active mobile number and email address during registration/in the online application. ‘Relevant experience/ Experience’ means experience related to the area of the post advertised. Scrutiny committee will determine relevancy of experience and its decision will be final and binding. Applicants who have submitted experience certificate, mentioning the pay scales other than Central Govt. Pay Scales/ CDA pattern, should mandatorily submit equivalence certificate for consideration of their experience. Else, experience would not be considered. The applicants should keep visiting the website of the Institute for any information related to the recruitment process. Updates/ Modification/Amendments in the advertisement and information regarding recruitment test and its result would be published in the official website of the Institute. The candidates applying for the post(s) should ensure that they meet all the eligibility conditions. If at any stage it is found that the candidate is not meeting the eligibility conditions, his/her candidature will be summarily rejected. The persons presently employed in the Central Government/ State Govt. / Union Territory Administration/ Central or State Autonomous Bodies/ Central or State PSUs are to submit No Objection Certificate (NOC) from their employer for applying against this advertisement. They may submit their application without NOC, but the same shall be treated as Advance Copy and such candidates shall be required to submit NOC at the time of Interview, failing which their candidature may not be considered. Candidates are advised to fill the application form and deposit the exam fee, without waiting for the last date to apply. Delay due to internet connectivity and any other issue will not be entertained. 9 Legal disputes, if any, regarding the above will be restricted within the jurisdiction of Dhanbad only. |
How to apply | |||||||
1. Read the advertisement carefully, Before you apply. 2. The candidates should apply online through the official link on or before 22 January 2025. 3. Keep your Documents whole, and at the time of submission check each document carefully. 4. Wherever an Application Fee is required for Submission of an Application, It Must be submitted on time, or else the Application will be rejected. 5. After successful submission of an application, it is required to have a copy of your application form, for further process. 6. For any other information, visit the official site. General Instructions: 1 The Institute reserves its right to place a reasonable limit on the total number of candidates to be called for selection process. Fulfillment of qualifications per-se does not entitle a candidate to be called for selection process. Admission of the applicants to any stage of the selection process will be purely provisional subject to confirmation that they satisfy the prescribed eligibility conditions. Mere issue of registration certificate/ Admit card/ call letter will not imply that his/ her candidature has been found eligible. The Institute reserves the right not to fill up the posts, cancel the Advt. in whole or in part without assigning any reason and its decision in this regard shall be final. 2 The Institute follows the reservation norms as per GOI rules. Central Govt. approved list of OBC-NCL category is applicable at IIT (ISM), Dhanbad. Age relaxation for OBC – NCL candidates against reserved post shall be admissible as per Government of India norms. Reservation is admissible to reserved category subject to production of relevant certificate issued by the Competent Authority in the prescribed GoI’s latest format. The same must be valid as on the date of closing date of applying against the advertisement. In the case of candidates who have served the Institute or other IITs/NITs/CFTIs etc. for at least three years on regular post, the maximum age limit may be relaxed by 5 years. (No age relaxation for the employees from private organizations shall be admissible under this clause.) Age relaxations as per GoI norms shall also be admissible to the regular employees of Central/State Governments; Ex-Servicemen, Divyang candidates etc. 3 The closing date for submission of application shall be considered the cut-off date for age, educational qualification and experience etc. 4 The Institute reserves the right to assign/ transfer the selected candidates to any section / department within the Institute. 5. A preliminary shortlisting of the candidates shall be made on the basis of essential qualifications and experience mentioned in the advertisement. The final selection will be on the basis of performance of the shortlisted candidates in recruitment test(s) viz. Written test and Trade test/ Computer Proficiency test, as per Recruitment Rules of IIT (ISM) Dhanbad. Institute reserves its rights to decide the method of shortlisting the candidates for recruitment test(s) viz. Written test and Trade test /Computer Proficiency test, in case large number of applications are received. 6 No TA/DA will be paid for appearing in the recruitment tests. 7 Recruitment Fee and mode of payment: Recruitment fee Rs. 500/- to be paid through SBI collect link available on the website of the Institute (Select category: Educational Institutions, Filter by State: Jharkhand, Search for Educational Institution: IIT (ISM), Dhanbad) and the payment details are to be filled in the application form. (Application fee is Non-refundable) Note: PwDs/Ex-Servicemen/Female candidates are exempted from payment of recruitment fee. 8 Application is required to be submitted online latest by 22.01.2025 using the Non-Faculty Recruitment module available on the link Notes: Applications received after the closing dates and incomplete applications (incomplete information, without relevant supporting and complete documents) will be summarily rejected. All details furnished in the online application will be treated as final and no changes shall be entertained later. Applicant will be solely responsible for the entries made in the application form. Applicants are advised to fill their correct and active mobile number and email address during registration/in the online application. ‘Relevant experience/ Experience’ means experience related to the area of the post advertised. Scrutiny committee will determine relevancy of experience and its decision will be final and binding. Applicants who have submitted experience certificate, mentioning the pay scales other than Central Govt. Pay Scales/ CDA pattern, should mandatorily submit equivalence certificate for consideration of their experience. Else, experience would not be considered. The applicants should keep visiting the website of the Institute for any information related to the recruitment process. Updates/ Modification/Amendments in the advertisement and information regarding recruitment test and its result would be published in the official website of the Institute. The candidates applying for the post(s) should ensure that they meet all the eligibility conditions. If at any stage it is found that the candidate is not meeting the eligibility conditions, his/her candidature will be summarily rejected. The persons presently employed in the Central Government/ State Govt. / Union Territory Administration/ Central or State Autonomous Bodies/ Central or State PSUs are to submit No Objection Certificate (NOC) from their employer for applying against this advertisement. They may submit their application without NOC, but the same shall be treated as Advance Copy and such candidates shall be required to submit NOC at the time of Interview, failing which their candidature may not be considered. Candidates are advised to fill the application form and deposit the exam fee, without waiting for the last date to apply. Delay due to internet connectivity and any other issue will not be entertained. 9 Legal disputes, if any, regarding the above will be restricted within the jurisdiction of Dhanbad only. |
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