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HPPSC - Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission Assistant Director Recruitment March 2025

Location : All India, Himachal Pradesh

Total Posts : 01 Job type : Permanent

HPPSC - Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission Assistant Director Recruitment March 2025

Location : All India,Himachal Pradesh

Total Posts : 01 Job type : Permanent
JOB POSTED ON 25th March, 2025
Designation Assistant Director
Age Limit 18 - 45 years (Age relaxation is applicable as per HPPSC)

Post Graduate (Relevant Subject)


Advt. No: 29/3-2025

Details of posts with a category-wise breakup are as follows:

The post-wise Qualification is as follows:

Application Fee GEN : 600  OBC : 600  EWS : 600   SC : 150  ST : 150  Other : 150
Pay Scale

Minimum Rs. 67,400/- & Maximum Rs. 2,01,200/- Per Month

Examination Date Will be notified soon
Selection Process Written
Job type Permanent
Application mode Online
Exam Venue Shimla
Important Links
Apply online :Link
Official Notification :Link
Official website :Link
How to apply

1. Read the advertisement carefully, Before you apply.

2. The candidates should apply online through the official link on or before 19 April 2025.

3. Keep your Documents whole, and at the time of submission check each document carefully.

4. Wherever an Application Fee is required for Submission of an Application, It Must be submitted on time, or else the Application will be rejected.

5. After successful submission of an application, it is required to have a copy of your application form, for further process.

6. For any other information, visit the official site.

General Instructions:

1. If any person with benchmark disability having disability of 40% or more requires scribe/reader, he/she has to request for the same in writing to the Commission alongwith copy of disability certificate issued by the competent authority atleast seven days prior to the screening test (Computer Based Test/ Offline Test) for the concerned post. such application will be entertained on merit and as per rules.

2. The SC / ST / OBC / WFF / Physically Handicapped and Ex-servicemen candidates of states other than H.P. should write / encode their category code as 01, because they will be treated as unreserved candidates and upper age relaxation is not applicable to them.

3. The candidates belonging to disabled categories are advised to claim their respective category only if the percentage of disability is 40% or more than this.

4. The applicant shall upload his/her latest photograph in the space provided in the application form. In case, photograph uploaded on the application of Preliminary examination is found different / varying to that of pasted on the Identity Card for appearing in the Main examination, the candidature of such candidates shall stand cancelled.

5. General Wards of Ex-serviceman erroneously apply against the post of Ex. Servicemen and choose the code of Ex-Servicemen of H.P. in the relevant Column of the Online Recruitment Application (ORA) resulting in rejection of their candidature. Therefore, they shall write and choose the code of category(s) to which they actually belong and not select the code of ExServicemen.

6. The Ex-servicemen candidates of H.P. must go through the relevant Rules and instructions of the reservation notified /issued by the H.P. Govt. from time to time in order to ensure their eligibility for admission to the aforesaid examination.

7. Reserved categories candidates are also required to go through the relevant instructions in order to ensure that they are eligible under the particular category(s).

8. Candidates are informed that as per Government of H.P. (in the Department of Personnel) notification No.Per (AP-B)B(15)-3/2022 dated 22-03-2023, the examinations conducted by the Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission will come under the purview of Himachal Pradesh Prevention of Malpractice Act, 1984

How to apply

1. Read the advertisement carefully, Before you apply.

2. The candidates should apply online through the official link on or before 19 April 2025.

3. Keep your Documents whole, and at the time of submission check each document carefully.

4. Wherever an Application Fee is required for Submission of an Application, It Must be submitted on time, or else the Application will be rejected.

5. After successful submission of an application, it is required to have a copy of your application form, for further process.

6. For any other information, visit the official site.

General Instructions:

1. If any person with benchmark disability having disability of 40% or more requires scribe/reader, he/she has to request for the same in writing to the Commission alongwith copy of disability certificate issued by the competent authority atleast seven days prior to the screening test (Computer Based Test/ Offline Test) for the concerned post. such application will be entertained on merit and as per rules.

2. The SC / ST / OBC / WFF / Physically Handicapped and Ex-servicemen candidates of states other than H.P. should write / encode their category code as 01, because they will be treated as unreserved candidates and upper age relaxation is not applicable to them.

3. The candidates belonging to disabled categories are advised to claim their respective category only if the percentage of disability is 40% or more than this.

4. The applicant shall upload his/her latest photograph in the space provided in the application form. In case, photograph uploaded on the application of Preliminary examination is found different / varying to that of pasted on the Identity Card for appearing in the Main examination, the candidature of such candidates shall stand cancelled.

5. General Wards of Ex-serviceman erroneously apply against the post of Ex. Servicemen and choose the code of Ex-Servicemen of H.P. in the relevant Column of the Online Recruitment Application (ORA) resulting in rejection of their candidature. Therefore, they shall write and choose the code of category(s) to which they actually belong and not select the code of ExServicemen.

6. The Ex-servicemen candidates of H.P. must go through the relevant Rules and instructions of the reservation notified /issued by the H.P. Govt. from time to time in order to ensure their eligibility for admission to the aforesaid examination.

7. Reserved categories candidates are also required to go through the relevant instructions in order to ensure that they are eligible under the particular category(s).

8. Candidates are informed that as per Government of H.P. (in the Department of Personnel) notification No.Per (AP-B)B(15)-3/2022 dated 22-03-2023, the examinations conducted by the Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission will come under the purview of Himachal Pradesh Prevention of Malpractice Act, 1984

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HPPSC - Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission Assistant Director Recruitment March 2025

Assistant Director



Closing Date



All India,Himachal Pradesh

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