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CUET PG 2024 Exam is scheduled to be conducted from March 11, 2024 to March 28, 2024. The National Testing Agency (NTA) has been released the CUET PG application form on December 26, 2023. The last date to fill CUET PG 2024 application form was February 10, 2024.
1. Cultural Background of India (from earliest times to 1800 A.D.)
2. Fundamentals of Indian Art.
3. Indian Architecture (including some important examples of Indo-Islamic Architecture)
4. Indian Sculpture and Terracotta (upto A.D. 1400)
5. Indian Painting (upto 19 century)
6. Indian Iconography
7. Landmarks of Asian Art-Nepal, China, Sri Lanka, Indonesia and Afghanistan.
8. An Outline of Western Art
9. An Outline of the Ancient Art of Mesopotamia and Egypt
1. Algebra : Groups, subgroups, Abelian groups, non-abelian groups, cyclic groups, permutation groups; Normal subgroups, Lagrange's Theorem for finite groups, group homomorphism and quotient groups, Rings, Subrings, Ideal, Prime ideal; Maximal ideals; Fields, quotient field.
2. Real Analysis: Sequences and series of real numbers. Convergent and divergent sequences, bounded and monotone sequences, Convergence criteria for sequences of real numbers, Cauchy sequences, absolute and conditional convergence; Tests of convergence for series of positive terms-comparison test, ratio test, root test, Leibnitz test for convergence of alternating series.
3. Complex Analysis: Functions of a complex Variable, Differentiability and analyticity, Cauchy Riemann Equations, Power series as an analytic function, properties of line integrals, Goursat Theorem, Cauchy theorem, consequence of simply connectivity, index of a closed curves.
4. Integral Calculus: Integration as the inverse process of differentiation, definite integrals and their properties, Fundamental theorem of integral calculus. Double and triple integrals, change of order of integration
5. Differential Equations: Ordinary differential equations of the first order of the form y'=f(x,y). Bernoulli's equation, exact differential equations, integrating factor, Orthogonal trajectories, Homogeneous differential equations-separable solutions, Linear differential equations of second and higher order with constant coefficients, method of variation of parameters. Cauchy-Euler equation.
7. Vector Calculus: Scalar and vector fields, gradient, divergence, curl and Laplacian. Scalar line integrals and vector line integrals, scalar surface integrals and vector surface integrals, Green's, Stokes and Gauss theorems and their applications.
8. Linear Programing: Convex sets, extreme points, convex hull, hyper plane & polyhedral Sets, convex function and concave functions, Concept of basis, basic feasible solutions, Formulation of Linear Programming Problem (LPP), Graphical Method of LPP, Simplex Method.
1. Carbohydrates: structure and functional properties of mono-, oligo-, & poly- saccharides including starch, cellulose, pectic substances and dietary fibre, gelatinization and retro gradation of starch.
2. Proteins: classification and structure of proteins in food, biochemical changes in postmortem and tenderization of muscles.
3. Lipids: Classification and structure of lipids, rancidity, polymerization and polymorphism.
4. Pigments: carotenoids, chlorophylls, anthocyanins, tannins and myoglobin.
5. Food flavours: terpenes, esters, aldehydes, ketones and quinines.
6. Enzymes: specificity, simple and inhibition kinetics, coenzymes, enzymatic and non- enzymatic
7. Nutrition: balanced diet, essential amino acids and essential fatty acids, protein efficiency ratio, water soluble and fat-soluble vitamins, role of minerals in nutrition, co-factors, anti-nutrients, nutraceuticals, nutrient deficiency diseases.
8. Chemical and biochemical changes: changes occur in foods during different processing
Characteristics of microorganisms: morphology of bacteria, yeast, mold and actinomycetes, spores and vegetative cells, gram-staining. Microbial growth: growth and death kinetics, serial dilution technique.
Processing principles: thermal processing, chilling, freezing, dehydration, addition of preservatives and food additives, irradiation, fermentation, hurdle technology, intermediate moisture foods.
a) Engineering Mathematics
b) Basic programming Language: C & C+
a) Analog Electronics
b) Digital Electronics
a) Signals and Systems
b) Digital Signal Processing
c) Digital Image Processing
a) Circuit Theory
b) Network Analysis
a) Electromagnetic Theory
b) Transmission lines and Waveguides
c) Antennas
a) Analog Communication
b) Digital Communication
a) Linear Integrated Circuits
b) Microprocessor
c) Microcontroller
d) Basic VLSI
a) Microwave
b) Optical
c) Satellite and Radar
d) Mobile
e) Computer Communication and Network
Quantum numbers and their significance. s, p, d, f block elements, the long form of periodic table. Detailed discussion of the following properties of the elements, with reference to s & p-block. Effective nuclear charge, shielding or screening effect, Slater rules, variation of effective nuclear charge in periodic table.Bronsted-Lowry concept of acidbase reactions, solvated proton, relative strength of acids, types of acid-base reactions, levelling solvents, Lewis acid-base concept, Classification of Lewis acids, Hard and Soft Acids and Bases (HSAB) Application of HSAB principle. Inert pair effect, diagonal relationship Allotropy and catenation. Complex formation tendency of s and p block elements.
Intensive and extensive variables; state and path functions; i
CUET PG 2024 Exam is scheduled to be conducted from March 11, 2024 to March 28, 2024. The National Testing Agency (NTA) has been released the CUET PG application form on December 26, 2023. The last date to fill CUET PG 2024 application form was February 10, 2024.
1. Cultural Background of India (from earliest times to 1800 A.D.)
2. Fundamentals of Indian Art.
3. Indian Architecture (including some important examples of Indo-Islamic Architecture)
4. Indian Sculpture and Terracotta (upto A.D. 1400)
5. Indian Painting (upto 19 century)
6. Indian Iconography
7. Landmarks of Asian Art-Nepal, China, Sri Lanka, Indonesia and Afghanistan.
8. An Outline of Western Art
9. An Outline of the Ancient Art of Mesopotamia and Egypt
1. Algebra : Groups, subgroups, Abelian groups, non-abelian groups, cyclic groups, permutation groups; Normal subgroups, Lagrange's Theorem for finite groups, group homomorphism and quotient groups, Rings, Subrings, Ideal, Prime ideal; Maximal ideals; Fields, quotient field.
2. Real Analysis: Sequences and series of real numbers. Convergent and divergent sequences, bounded and monotone sequences, Convergence criteria for sequences of real numbers, Cauchy sequences, absolute and conditional convergence; Tests of convergence for series of positive terms-comparison test, ratio test, root test, Leibnitz test for convergence of alternating series.
3. Complex Analysis: Functions of a complex Variable, Differentiability and analyticity, Cauchy Riemann Equations, Power series as an analytic function, properties of line integrals, Goursat Theorem, Cauchy theorem, consequence of simply connectivity, index of a closed curves.
4. Integral Calculus: Integration as the inverse process of differentiation, definite integrals and their properties, Fundamental theorem of integral calculus. Double and triple integrals, change of order of integration
5. Differential Equations: Ordinary differential equations of the first order of the form y'=f(x,y). Bernoulli's equation, exact differential equations, integrating factor, Orthogonal trajectories, Homogeneous differential equations-separable solutions, Linear differential equations of second and higher order with constant coefficients, method of variation of parameters. Cauchy-Euler equation.
7. Vector Calculus: Scalar and vector fields, gradient, divergence, curl and Laplacian. Scalar line integrals and vector line integrals, scalar surface integrals and vector surface integrals, Green's, Stokes and Gauss theorems and their applications.
8. Linear Programing: Convex sets, extreme points, convex hull, hyper plane & polyhedral Sets, convex function and concave functions, Concept of basis, basic feasible solutions, Formulation of Linear Programming Problem (LPP), Graphical Method of LPP, Simplex Method.
1. Carbohydrates: structure and functional properties of mono-, oligo-, & poly- saccharides including starch, cellulose, pectic substances and dietary fibre, gelatinization and retro gradation of starch.
2. Proteins: classification and structure of proteins in food, biochemical changes in postmortem and tenderization of muscles.
3. Lipids: Classification and structure of lipids, rancidity, polymerization and polymorphism.
4. Pigments: carotenoids, chlorophylls, anthocyanins, tannins and myoglobin.
5. Food flavours: terpenes, esters, aldehydes, ketones and quinines.
6. Enzymes: specificity, simple and inhibition kinetics, coenzymes, enzymatic and non- enzymatic
7. Nutrition: balanced diet, essential amino acids and essential fatty acids, protein efficiency ratio, water soluble and fat-soluble vitamins, role of minerals in nutrition, co-factors, anti-nutrients, nutraceuticals, nutrient deficiency diseases.
8. Chemical and biochemical changes: changes occur in foods during different processing
Characteristics of microorganisms: morphology of bacteria, yeast, mold and actinomycetes, spores and vegetative cells, gram-staining. Microbial growth: growth and death kinetics, serial dilution technique.
Processing principles: thermal processing, chilling, freezing, dehydration, addition of preservatives and food additives, irradiation, fermentation, hurdle technology, intermediate moisture foods.
a) Engineering Mathematics
b) Basic programming Language: C & C+
a) Analog Electronics
b) Digital Electronics
a) Signals and Systems
b) Digital Signal Processing
c) Digital Image Processing
a) Circuit Theory
b) Network Analysis
a) Electromagnetic Theory
b) Transmission lines and Waveguides
c) Antennas
a) Analog Communication
b) Digital Communication
a) Linear Integrated Circuits
b) Microprocessor
c) Microcontroller
d) Basic VLSI
a) Microwave
b) Optical
c) Satellite and Radar
d) Mobile
e) Computer Communication and Network
Quantum numbers and their significance. s, p, d, f block elements, the long form of periodic table. Detailed discussion of the following properties of the elements, with reference to s & p-block. Effective nuclear charge, shielding or screening effect, Slater rules, variation of effective nuclear charge in periodic table.Bronsted-Lowry concept of acidbase reactions, solvated proton, relative strength of acids, types of acid-base reactions, levelling solvents, Lewis acid-base concept, Classification of Lewis acids, Hard and Soft Acids and Bases (HSAB) Application of HSAB principle. Inert pair effect, diagonal relationship Allotropy and catenation. Complex formation tendency of s and p block elements.
Intensive and extensive variables; state and path functions; isolated, closed and open systems; zeroth law of thermodynamics. First law: Concept of heat, q, work, w, internal energy, U, and statement of first law; enthalpy, H, relation between heat capacities, calculations of q, w, U and H for reversible, irreversible and free expansion of gases (ideal and van der Waals) under isothermal and adiabatic conditions. Heats of reactions: standard states; enthalpy of formation of molecules and ions and enthalpy of combustion and its applications; calculation of bond energy.
Social concepts: Family, marriage, neighborhood, community, organization, culture, caste, clan, values, culture, traditions,
practices, norms, lifestyle, health, socialization, needs
Economic concepts: Economy, market, production, distribution, demand, supply, labor, income, expenditure,
globalization, privatization, liberalization, industrialization
Political concepts: Politics, democracy, decentralization, panchayat, legislature, executive,judiciary, human rights, social
justice, freedom, liberty, fundamental rights & duties
Psychological concepts: Individual, self, behavior, mental functions, attitude, emotions, beliefs, self-esteem, intelligence
Environmental concepts: Environment, atmosphere, pollution-air, water, sound; natural resources - air, water, soil, forest; disaster.
1. Mathematics (basic understanding as applicable for sustainable architecture)
2. General awareness about Ecology, Environment, Climate Change, Renewable energy
3. Vernacular, Traditional and Recycled Materials in context of Sustainable Architecture
4. Contemporary and famous examples of sustainable / energy efficient architecture / settlement planning across the world.
5. Climatology and Climate Responsive Architecture – Vernacular, Traditional and Modern
6. Building Services and Utilities – Electrical, HVAC, Sanitary andPlumbing, Solid and Liquid Waste Management, (with special reference to energy efficiency, recycling and re-use)
7. Water Conservation, harvesting and recharge – Traditional and Modern Methods.
8. Overview of Green Buildings rating systems
1. Plato
2. Aristotle
3. Machiavelli
4. Hobbes
1. Ram Mohan Roy
2. Gandhi
3. Ambedkar
4. Savarkar
5. Kautilya
1. Concepts of liberty
2. Equality
3. Justice
4. Sovereignty
5. Citizenship and Gender
1. Global Justice
2. Nationalism
3. Climate Change
1. Solar system and the Earth - Origin of the earth: important theories - Earth's interior - Geological time scale-Earth's Materials and minerals - Rocks classification and characteristics - Earth surface configuration - Order of landforms - Wegner's theory - Plate tectonics.
2. Endogenic processes: Folds, Fault, Dome and their resultant landforms - Earthquakes and Volcanic activities: causes, resultant landforms and world distribution. Exogenic processes: Weathering, Mass wasting and resultant landforms - Formation of regolith and soil-Geomorphic agents and processes: Fluvial, Glacial, Coastal, Arid and Karst landforms - Geomorphic hazards and their effects
1. Elements of weather and climate – Composition and Structure of the Atmosphere - Head budget atmospheric pressure: Vertical and horizontal distribution - Winds and their causes of circulation - Types of planetary, Periodic and local winds - Temperature: factors and distribution Temperature inversion.
2. Atmosphere moisture: Humidity, evaporation and condensation - Hydrological cycle - Types, regional and seasonal distribution - Monsoon
1. Surface configuration of the ocean floor - Hypsographic curve: continental self, continental slope, abyssal plain, trenches and deeps - Relief of Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans
2. Distribution of temperature and salinity of oceans and seas - Circulation of oceanic waters, waves and currents - Currents of Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans - Tides: causes, types and theorie
1. Nature and scope of geography - A brief historical overview of geography as a discipline ,Branches of geography: general characteristics and inter-relationships
2. Contributions of Greek, Roman, Arab, Chinese and Indian Scholars - Contributors for the development of modern geography- Recent Trends in Geography
1. Division of mankind - Racial groups and culture: systems, characteristics and distribution.
2. Human Adaptation to the environment - Adaptation in modern society - Globalization and cultural change -Language, communication and belief .
1. Elements of Map Science - Concepts of scale and map - Types of maps and scales - Construction of graphic/linear scales - Enlargement and reduction of maps: methods and procedures - Map compilation and generalization.
2. General principles and classification of projections: construction, properties, limitations and uses of Zenithal, Conical and Cylindrical projections.
1. Theories of Biological Evolution - Lamarckism and Neo– Lamarckism, Darwinism and Neo– Darwinism, Synthetic Theory of Evolution;
2. DNA Structure and Function - DNA Replication; Protein Synthesis; Chromosome Aberrations;
3. Human Blood Group - Systems ABO and Rh D, Mendelian Genetics – Mendel’s Postulation, Linkage and Crossing Over, Inheritance Pattern; Mutation; Natural Selection; Population Genetics; Cell Divisions; Spermatogenesis and Oogenesis;
1. Introduction Social and Cultural Anthropology - Concept, Definition and its Scope, Ethnology and Ethnography, Social and Cultural Anthropology and its relationship with other discipline - Sociology, History, Political Science, Psychology, Economics, Linguistics
2. Society - Social Group, Definition and characteristics of society, Social Institution, Preliterate Societies, Complex societies.
3. Social Stratification - Age, Caste, Class, Gender, Division of Labour, Varna and Caste System in India, Changing Patterns of caste system.
4. Social Change - Theories, factors of social change, Industrialization, modernization and developments.
1. For the Official Website - click here
2. For Information Brochure 2024 - click here
3. For complete official syllabus - click here
CUET PG 2024 Exam is scheduled to be conducted from March 11, 2024 to March 28, 2024. The National Testing Agency (NTA) has been released the CUET PG application form on December 26, 2023. The last date to fill CUET PG 2024 application form was February 10, 2024.
1. Candidate can choose maximum of four question paper codes.
2. There would be no General Test with each paper.
3. The candidate can choose General paper as a Subject. The comprehension part of these papers would be English or Hindi as chosen by the candidate during registration.
4. Duration of Exam would be of 105 Minutes.
5. The Question paper will have 75 Questions.
6. Four marks would be awarded for each correct answer and one mark will be deducted for each wrong answer.
7. Languages papers will be in concerned language except Linguistic which would be in English.
8. M.Tech/Higher Sciences would be in English only.
9. Acharya Papers would be in Sanskrit except Hindu Studies, Indian Knowledge System and Baudha Darshan.
10. Humanities, Sciences and Common papers would be bilingual (English & Hindi).
11. Examination would be conducted in three shifts.
12. The English version of the questions in the question papers except languages and Acharya, will be taken as final.
CUET(PG) List of Question Paper Codes with Courses | ||
Common | ||
S. No | QP Code | Subjects |
1 | COQP01 | Agri-Business Management etc. |
2 | COQP02 | Applied Geography, Geoinformatics and Geographic Information System |
3 | COQP03 | B.Ed., B.Ed.-M.Ed. Integrated, B.Ed. (HI), B.Ed. (ID), B.Ed. (VI), Lifelong Learning & Extension etc. |
4 | COQP04 | B.Ed. Humanities and Social Sciences |
5 | COQP05 | B.Ed. Languages |
6 | COQP06 | B.Ed. Science |
7 | COQP07 | B.Ed. Mathematics |
8 |
CUET PG 2024 Exam is scheduled to be conducted from March 11, 2024 to March 28, 2024. The National Testing Agency (NTA) has been released the CUET PG application form on December 26, 2023. The last date to fill CUET PG 2024 application form was February 10, 2024.
1. Candidate can choose maximum of four question paper codes.
2. There would be no General Test with each paper.
3. The candidate can choose General paper as a Subject. The comprehension part of these papers would be English or Hindi as chosen by the candidate during registration.
4. Duration of Exam would be of 105 Minutes.
5. The Question paper will have 75 Questions.
6. Four marks would be awarded for each correct answer and one mark will be deducted for each wrong answer.
7. Languages papers will be in concerned language except Linguistic which would be in English.
8. M.Tech/Higher Sciences would be in English only.
9. Acharya Papers would be in Sanskrit except Hindu Studies, Indian Knowledge System and Baudha Darshan.
10. Humanities, Sciences and Common papers would be bilingual (English & Hindi).
11. Examination would be conducted in three shifts.
12. The English version of the questions in the question papers except languages and Acharya, will be taken as final.
CUET(PG) List of Question Paper Codes with Courses | ||
Common | ||
S. No | QP Code | Subjects |
1 | COQP01 | Agri-Business Management etc. |
2 | COQP02 | Applied Geography, Geoinformatics and Geographic Information System |
3 | COQP03 | B.Ed., B.Ed.-M.Ed. Integrated, B.Ed. (HI), B.Ed. (ID), B.Ed. (VI), Lifelong Learning & Extension etc. |
4 | COQP04 | B.Ed. Humanities and Social Sciences |
5 | COQP05 | B.Ed. Languages |
6 | COQP06 | B.Ed. Science |
7 | COQP07 | B.Ed. Mathematics |
8 | COQP08 | Commerce, Business Finance, Accounting & Taxation, Economic Administration and Financial Management etc. |
9 | COQP09 | Disaster Studies |
10 | COQP10 | Economics, Financial Economics, Business Economics, Rural Economics etc. |
11 | COQP11 | General, L.L.B., Bachelor of Library & Information Science, Defence and Strategic Studies, Jammu & Kashmir Studies, Hindu Studies, Women Studies, Anthropology, Digital Society, Finance & Taxation, Physical Education, Textile Design, Hospitality and Tourism Management, Gender Studies etc. |
12 | COQP12 | General MBA, Marketing & Finance Management, Tourism, Travel & Hotel Management, Business Analytics, Sales & Marketing etc. |
13 | COQP13 | Library & Information Science |
14 | COQP14 | L.L.M. |
15 | COQP15 | M.Ed. |
16 | COQP16 | MA Education |
17 | COQP17 | Mass Communication and Journalism |
18 | COQP18 | Physical Education |
19 | COQP19 | Public Health |
20 | COQP20 | Sports - Physiology, Biochemistry, Nutrition, Biomechanics etc. |
21 | COQP21 | Yoga |
22 | COQP22 | Healthcare & Hospital Management |
Languages | ||
S. No | QP Code | Subjects |
1 | LAQP01 | English, Comparative Literature, English & Cultural Studies, English, Modern European etc. |
2 | LAQP02 | Hindi, Hindi Translation, Hindi and Comparative Literature, Hindi, and Modern Indian Languages etc. |
3 | LAQP03 | Sanskrit |
4 | LAQP04 | Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Linguistics and Language Technology, Linguistics & Tribal Languages, Computational Linguistics |
5 | LAQP05 | Arabic |
6 | LAQP06 | Assamese |
7 | LAQP07 | Bengali |
8 | LAQP08 | Bhutia |
9 | LAQP09 | Chinese |
10 | LAQP10 | French |
11 | LAQP11 | Garo |
12 | LAQP12 | German |
13 | LAQP13 | Gujarati |
14 | LAQP14 | Hispanic |
15 | LAQP15 | Japanese |
16 | LAQP16 | Kannada |
17 | LAQP17 | Kashmiri |
18 | LAQP18 | Khasi |
19 | LAQP19 | Kokborok |
20 | LAQP20 | Korean |
21 | LAQP21 | Lepcha |
22 | LAQP22 | Limbu |
23 | LAQP23 | Malayalam |
24 | LAQP24 | Manipuri |
25 | LAQP25 | Marathi |
26 | LAQP26 | Nepali |
27 | LAQP27 | Odia |
28 | LAQP28 | Pali |
29 | LAQP29 | Pashto |
30 | LAQP30 | Persian |
31 | LAQP31 | Prakrit |
32 | LAQP32 | Prayojanmoolak Hindi (Patrakarita) |
33 | LAQP33 | Punjabi |
34 | LAQP34 | Russian |
35 | LAQP35 | Tamil |
36 | LAQP36 | Telugu |
37 | LAQP37 | Urdu |
38 | LAQP38 | Urdu Journalism |
39 | LAQP39 | Indo-Tibetan |
40 | LAQP40 | Santali |
41 | LAQP41 | Italian |
Science | ||
S. No | QP Code | Subjects |
1 | SCQP01 | Agricultural Science- Agricultural Economics; Agronomy; Entomology; Agricultural Extension & Communication; Genetics & Plant Breeding; Horticulture, Plant Pathology, Plant Physiology; Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry, Agriculture Technology (Informatics) etc. |
2 | SCQP02 | Agro-forestry |
3 | SCQP03 | Microbiology/Applied Microbiology |
4 | SCQP04 | Architecture and Planning, Sustainable Architecture, Architecture and Design, Urban & Regional Planning, |
5 | SCQP05 | Biochemistry, Anatomy, Pharmacology, Bio Science, |
6 | SCQP06 | Bioinformatics, Food Science and Nutrition, Bio Science – Bioinformatics etc. |
7 | SCQP07 | Botany, Bio Science |
8 | SCQP08 | Chemistry, Chemical Sciences, Industrial Chemistry etc. |
9 | SCQP09 | Computer Science, Information Technology, Computer Application, Big Data Analytics, Cyber Security, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Operational Research etc. |
10 | SCQP10 | Criminology |
11 | SCQP11 | Environmental Sciences/Studies, Ecology etc. |
12 | SCQP12 | Food Science and Technology, Nutrition, Food Processing and Management, Food Safety and Quality Control etc. |
13 | SCQP13 | Forensic Science. |
14 | SCQP14 | Geology, Earth Sciences, Applied Geology |
15 | SCQP15 | Geophysics |
16 | SCQP16 | Horticulture, Forestry & Biodiversity, Seed Science & Technology, Plant Breeding, Agronomy, Genetics, Fruit Science, Floriculture, Vegetable Science etc. |
17 | SCQP17 | Life Science-Molecular Biology, Biotechnology, Microbiology, Biochemistry, Botany, Bioinformatics, Molecular Medicine, Zoology, Biomedical Engineering & Science, Virology and Immunology, Optometry, Bio-Physics, Genetics, Health Science etc. |
18 | SCQP18 | Material Science |
19 | SCQP19 | Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Electronics |
20 | SCQP20 | Medical Laboratory Technology, Medical Physics etc. |
21 | SCQP21 | MPT/Master in Respiratory Theory (MRT) |
22 | SCQP22 | Nanoscience/Integrative Biosciences |
23 | SCQP23 | Pharmacy-Pharmacology, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmacognosy, Pharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Science, Pharmaceutical Analysis etc. |
24 | SCQP24 | Physics, Computational and Integrative Sciences, Electronics, Applied Physics, Applied Physics + Electronics Engineering |
25 | SCQP25 | Plant Biotechnology |
26 | SCQP26 | Soil Science - Soil & Water Conservation |
27 | SCQP27 | Statistics, Applied Mathematics, Statistics & Computing, Data Science and Applied Statistics etc. |
28 | SCQP28 | Zoology, Sericulture, Human Genetics |
29 | SCQP29 | Atmospheric Science |
30 | SCQP30 | Animal Science (Poultry) |
Humanities | ||
S. No | QP Code | Subject |
1 | HUQP01 | Ancient Indian History, Culture & Arch, Archaeology Heritage Management, Conservation Preservation and Heritage Management etc. |
2 | HUQP02 | Anthropology |
3 | HUQP03 | Applied Arts |
4 | HUQP04 | Art and Aesthetics |
5 | HUQP05 | Dance - Kathak/Bharat Natyam, Kuchipudi, Manipuri, Bharatanatyam, Kathakali, Theatre Arts, Folk and Performing Arts and Culture, Dramatics, Rabindra Nritya etc. |
6 | HUQP06 | Development and Labour Studies |
7 | HUQP07 | Fine Arts, Painting, Printmaking, Sculpture, Art History & Visual Studies, Mural etc. |
8 | HUQP08 | Geography |
9 | HUQP09 | History |
10 | HUQP10 | History of Art |
11 | HUQP11 | Home Science-Food & Nutrition, Nutrition and Health, Human Development & Childhood Studies, Fabric & Apparel Science, Resource Management & Design Application, Development Communication & Extension etc. |
12 | HUQP12 | Music- Karnatak/Carnatic |
13 | HUQP13 | Museology |
14 | HUQP14 | Music – Hindustani |
15 | HUQP15 | Painting |
16 | HUQP16 | Philosophy |
17 | HUQP17 | Plastic Arts |
18 | HUQP18 | Political Science, Public Administration, Human Rights, Politics and International Relations etc. |
19 | HUQP19 | Pottery & Ceramics |
20 | HUQP20 | Psychology, Applied Psychology, Health Psychology etc. |
21 | HUQP21 | Social Work, Urban & Rural Community Development etc. |
22 | HUQP22 | Sociology, Peace and Conflict Studies and Management |
23 | HUQP23 | Textile Design, Folk and Performing Arts and Culture etc. |
24 | HUQP24 | Theatre |
25 | HUQP25 | Music- Percussion |
26 | HUQP26 | Rabindra Sangit |
M.Tech./ Higher Sciences | ||
S. No | QP Code | Subjects |
1 | MTQP01 | Chemical Thermal & Polymer Engineering, Thermal Engineering |
2 | MTQP02 | Civil, Structural & Transport Engineering |
3 | MTQP03 | Dairy Technology |
4 | MTQP04 | Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, Cyber Security & Computer Science, Computer Sciences & Engineering/Technology, Information Technology etc. |
5 | MTQP05 | Electronics, Communication and Information Engineering, Digital Communication, Micro Electronics Engineering, VLSI Design, Microwave Electronics, |
6 | MTQP06 | Food Engineering and Technology |
7 | MTQP07 | Mechanical Engineering, Manufacturing & Industrial, Tool Engineering etc. |
8 | MTQP08 | Nano Science/Nano Technology, Computer Aided Design & Manufacturing, |
9 | MTQP09 | Nanoelectronics/Material Sciences |
10 | MTQP10 | Electrical, Power, Energy Engineering, Green Energy Technology etc. |
11 | MTQP11 | Water Engineering and Management, Agricultural Engineering etc. |
12 | MTQP12 | Textile Engineering |
Acharya | ||
S. No | QP Code | Subjects |
1 | ACQP01 | Shiksha Shastri B.Ed. |
2 | ACQP02 | Shiksha Acharya M.Ed. |
3 | ACQP03 | Agama |
4 | ACQP04 | Baudha Darshan / Buddhist Studies (Trilingual - Hindi/Sanskrit/English) |
5 | ACQP05 | Dharma Shastra, Vastu, Paurohitya and Veda |
6 | ACQP06 | Dharma Vijnan |
7 | ACQP07 | Dharmashastra (BHU) |
8 | ACQP08 | Hindu Studies (Bilingual - Hindi/English) |
9 | ACQP09 | Indian Knowledge System (Bilingual - Hindi/English) |
10 | ACQP10 | Jain Darshan (BHU) |
11 | ACQP11 | Jyotish - Falit (BHU) |
12 | ACQP12 | Jyotish - Ganit (BHU) |
13 | ACQP13 | Krishna Yajurveda (BHU) |
14 | ACQP14 | Nyaya Vaisheshika |
15 | ACQP15 | Phalita and Siddantha Jyotisha |
16 | ACQP16 | Puranetihas |
17 | ACQP17 | Rigveda |
18 | ACQP18 | Sahitya (BHU) |
19 | ACQP19 | Sahitya (Alankara and Kavya Varga) |
20 | ACQP20 | Samveda |
21 | ACQP21 | Shukla Yajurveda (BHU) |
22 | ACQP22 | Veda etc. |
23 | ACQP23 | Vedanta (BHU) |
24 | ACQP24 | Vedanta, Sarvadarshan, Mimansa, Nyaya etc. |
25 | ACQP25 | Vyakaran (BHU) |
26 | ACQP26 | Vyakarana & Sabdabodha Systems |
CUET (PG) will be conducted in Computer Based Test mode only.
1. Each question carries 04 (four) marks.
2. For each correct response, candidate will get 04 (four) marks.
3. For each incorrect response, 01 (one) mark will be deducted from the total score.
4. Un-answered/un-attempted response will be given no marks.
5. To answer a question, the candidate needs to choose one option as correct option.
6. However, after the process of Challenges of the Answer Key, in case there are multiple correct options or change in key, only those candidates who have attempted it correctly as per the revised Final Answer Key will be awarded marks.
7. In case a Question is dropped due to some technical error, full marks shall be given to all the candidates irrespective of the fact who have attempted it or not.
1. For the Official Website - click here
2. For Information Brochure 2024 - click here
CUET PG 2024 Exam is scheduled to be conducted from March 11, 2024 to March 28, 2024. The National Testing Agency (NTA) has been released the CUET PG application form on December 26, 2023. The last date to fill CUET PG 2024 application form was February 10, 2024.
Candidates willing to apply for CUET Examination are required to fulfill certain conditions to be eligible for it. The candidate who does not satisfy the Eligibility criteria like Age, Minimum educational qualification, etc., their candidature shall be rejected by the authorities. The candidate’s eligibility for CUET Examination is based on the fulfillment of the following conditions:-
1. Nationality
2. Age Limit & Relaxations
3. Educational Qualifications
1. For admission in Universities through CUET (PG) the existing policies regarding quota, category, relaxation, reservations, qualification, subject combinations, preferences, etc. of the respective University shall be applicable.
2. As the eligibility criteria for admission may be unique for every University, the candidates are advised to visit the University website to which they are applying for their respective programs.
3. Candidates are advised to satisfy themselves before applying that they possess the eligibility criteria laid down by the University to they are applying to.
4. Mere appearance in the Entrance Test or securing pass marks at the test does not entitle a candidate to be considered for admission to the Programme unless he/she fulfills the Programme wise eligibility conditions of the University they are applying to.
The candidate must be a citizen of India in order to be eligible for CUET examination.
There is no age restriction for candidates appearing in CUET examination.
1. General category applicants should score 55% marks in their Graduation from a recognized university.
2. SC/ST/OBC/PWD category applicants should have 50% marks in their Graduation from a recognized university.
Course | Eligibility Criteria |
M.B.A in Agribusiness | A Bachelor’s degree in Agriculture related/Humanities, Social Sciences, Pure Sciences, Commerce, Management, Engineering, Design and Planning, and Rural Management, etc. from a recognized University with not less than 55% marks for General/OBC and 50% marks for SC/ST candidates. |
M.A/M.Sc in Applied Criminology and Police Studies | Graduation in any discipline with at least 55% marks in aggregate. 5% relaxation to candidates belonging to SC/ST/PH categories. |
M.Sc in Biochemistry | Must have qualified B.Sc (Hons.)/B.Sc in Botany/Microbiology/Biochemistry/Biotechnology/Zoology/Life Sciences/Chemistry or B.Voc in Biomedical Sciences with at least 50% marks in aggregate. 5% relaxation to candidates belonging to SC/ST/PH categories. |
M.Sc in Biotechnology | Must have qualified B.Sc (Hons.)/B.Sc in Botany/Microbiology/Biochemistry/Biotechnology/Life Sciences/Zoology/Chemistry or B.Voc in Biomedical Sciences/Industrial Waste Management with at least 50% marks in aggregate. 5% relaxation to candidates belonging to SC/ST/PH categories. |
M.B.A | Has a Bachelor’s degree in any discipline or any degree from a recognised university OR Passed final exam from the Institute of Chartered Accountants, Cost and Works Accountants or Company Secretaries OR Passed A.M.I.E (Engineering) |
M.Com | Passed (Hons.)/B.Com at least 50% marks in aggregate. 5% relaxation to candidates belonging to SC/ST/PH categories. OR Passed B.A(Hons.) Economics at least 50% marks in aggregate. 5% relaxation to candidates belonging to SC/ST/PH categories. OR Passed B.B.S/B.B.A/B.I.F.A/B.B.E/B.Voc in Retail and Logistics Management with at least 60% marks in aggregate |
LL.M | Must have an LL.B degree recognised by the Bar Council of India (BCI) with not less than 50% marks or equivalent grade/CGPA Reservation to reserved category candidates according to CUJ norms. |
M.A./M.Sc in Psychology | Graduation in any discipline with at least 50% marks in aggregate. 5% relaxation to candidates belonging to SC/ST/PWD/OBC categories. |
M.P.A (Theatre/Music/Dance/Drama) | Graduation in any discipline with Performing Arts as one of the subjects at least 55% marks in aggregate. 5% relaxation to candidates belonging to SC/ST/PWD/OBC categories. |
Master of Public Health (M.P.H) | Must have qualified MBBS/BDS/B.Sc Nursing/any branch of Engineering/B.Pharm/Bachelor of Physiotherapy/B Ayush/B.Vety/MSW/Econom |
CUET PG 2024 Exam is scheduled to be conducted from March 11, 2024 to March 28, 2024. The National Testing Agency (NTA) has been released the CUET PG application form on December 26, 2023. The last date to fill CUET PG 2024 application form was February 10, 2024.
Candidates willing to apply for CUET Examination are required to fulfill certain conditions to be eligible for it. The candidate who does not satisfy the Eligibility criteria like Age, Minimum educational qualification, etc., their candidature shall be rejected by the authorities. The candidate’s eligibility for CUET Examination is based on the fulfillment of the following conditions:-
1. Nationality
2. Age Limit & Relaxations
3. Educational Qualifications
1. For admission in Universities through CUET (PG) the existing policies regarding quota, category, relaxation, reservations, qualification, subject combinations, preferences, etc. of the respective University shall be applicable.
2. As the eligibility criteria for admission may be unique for every University, the candidates are advised to visit the University website to which they are applying for their respective programs.
3. Candidates are advised to satisfy themselves before applying that they possess the eligibility criteria laid down by the University to they are applying to.
4. Mere appearance in the Entrance Test or securing pass marks at the test does not entitle a candidate to be considered for admission to the Programme unless he/she fulfills the Programme wise eligibility conditions of the University they are applying to.
The candidate must be a citizen of India in order to be eligible for CUET examination.
There is no age restriction for candidates appearing in CUET examination.
1. General category applicants should score 55% marks in their Graduation from a recognized university.
2. SC/ST/OBC/PWD category applicants should have 50% marks in their Graduation from a recognized university.
Course | Eligibility Criteria |
M.B.A in Agribusiness | A Bachelor’s degree in Agriculture related/Humanities, Social Sciences, Pure Sciences, Commerce, Management, Engineering, Design and Planning, and Rural Management, etc. from a recognized University with not less than 55% marks for General/OBC and 50% marks for SC/ST candidates. |
M.A/M.Sc in Applied Criminology and Police Studies | Graduation in any discipline with at least 55% marks in aggregate. 5% relaxation to candidates belonging to SC/ST/PH categories. |
M.Sc in Biochemistry | Must have qualified B.Sc (Hons.)/B.Sc in Botany/Microbiology/Biochemistry/Biotechnology/Zoology/Life Sciences/Chemistry or B.Voc in Biomedical Sciences with at least 50% marks in aggregate. 5% relaxation to candidates belonging to SC/ST/PH categories. |
M.Sc in Biotechnology | Must have qualified B.Sc (Hons.)/B.Sc in Botany/Microbiology/Biochemistry/Biotechnology/Life Sciences/Zoology/Chemistry or B.Voc in Biomedical Sciences/Industrial Waste Management with at least 50% marks in aggregate. 5% relaxation to candidates belonging to SC/ST/PH categories. |
M.B.A | Has a Bachelor’s degree in any discipline or any degree from a recognised university OR Passed final exam from the Institute of Chartered Accountants, Cost and Works Accountants or Company Secretaries OR Passed A.M.I.E (Engineering) |
M.Com | Passed (Hons.)/B.Com at least 50% marks in aggregate. 5% relaxation to candidates belonging to SC/ST/PH categories. OR Passed B.A(Hons.) Economics at least 50% marks in aggregate. 5% relaxation to candidates belonging to SC/ST/PH categories. OR Passed B.B.S/B.B.A/B.I.F.A/B.B.E/B.Voc in Retail and Logistics Management with at least 60% marks in aggregate |
LL.M | Must have an LL.B degree recognised by the Bar Council of India (BCI) with not less than 50% marks or equivalent grade/CGPA Reservation to reserved category candidates according to CUJ norms. |
M.A./M.Sc in Psychology | Graduation in any discipline with at least 50% marks in aggregate. 5% relaxation to candidates belonging to SC/ST/PWD/OBC categories. |
M.P.A (Theatre/Music/Dance/Drama) | Graduation in any discipline with Performing Arts as one of the subjects at least 55% marks in aggregate. 5% relaxation to candidates belonging to SC/ST/PWD/OBC categories. |
Master of Public Health (M.P.H) | Must have qualified MBBS/BDS/B.Sc Nursing/any branch of Engineering/B.Pharm/Bachelor of Physiotherapy/B Ayush/B.Vety/MSW/Economics/Policy Science/Sociology/Nutrition/Development Economics/Public Administration/Psychology/law |
1. Only Indian candidates are eligible for the CUET exam.
2. For PG Courses, Candidate should have a bachelor’s degree in the respective discipline in which they want to get admission from a recognized university/institution.
1. For the Official Website - click here
2. For Information Brochure 2024 - click here
CUET PG 2024 Exam is scheduled to be conducted from March 11, 2024 to March 28, 2024. The National Testing Agency (NTA) has been released the CUET PG application form on December 26, 2023. The last date to fill CUET PG 2024 application form was February 10, 2024.
Events | Dates |
Start of online application | 26, December 2023 |
Last date to apply | 10, February 2024 |
Last date to submit fee | 10, February 2024 |
Application correction | 11 to 13, February 2024 |
Admit card release | 7, March 2024 |
CUET PG 2024 Exam | 11 to 28, March 2024 |
Answer Key | 4, April 2024 |
Events | Dates | |
Application Form Start | 20 March 2023 | |
Last date to apply | 19 April 2023 | |
Last date of successful transaction of fee through Credit/Debit Card/NetBanking/UPI | 19 April 2023 | |
Correction in Particulars of Application Form on the website only | 20-23 April 2023 | |
CUET PG admit card release date | Fourth week of May 2023 | |
CUET PG exam date | 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 June 2023 | |
Issuance of answer key | Third/Fourth week of June 2023 | |
CUET PG result date and time | First week of July 2023 |
1. For the Official Website - click here
2. For Information Brochure 2024 - click here
CUET PG 2024 Exam is scheduled to be conducted from March 11, 2024 to March 28, 2024. The National Testing Agency (NTA) has been released the CUET PG application form on December 26, 2023. The last date to fill CUET PG 2024 application form was February 10, 2024.
Events | Dates |
Start of online application | 26, December 2023 |
Last date to apply | 10, February 2024 |
Last date to submit fee | 10, February 2024 |
Application correction | 11 to 13, February 2024 |
Admit card release | 7, March 2024 |
CUET PG 2024 Exam | 11 to 28, March 2024 |
Answer Key | 4, April 2024 |
Events | Dates | |
Application Form Start | 20 March 2023 | |
Last date to apply | 19 April 2023 | |
Last date of successful transaction of fee through Credit/Debit Card/NetBanking/UPI | 19 April 2023 | |
Correction in Particulars of Application Form on the website only | 20-23 April 2023 | |
CUET PG admit card release date | Fourth week of May 2023 | |
CUET PG exam date | 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 June 2023 | |
Issuance of answer key | Third/Fourth week of June 2023 | |
CUET PG result date and time | First week of July 2023 |
1. For the Official Website - click here
2. For Information Brochure 2024 - click here
CUET PG 2024 Exam is scheduled to be conducted from March 11, 2024 to March 28, 2024. The National Testing Agency (NTA) has been released the CUET PG application form on December 26, 2023. The last date to fill CUET PG 2024 application form was February 10, 2024.
The only deciding factor for the selection or rejection of a candidate is the Strategy & Planning which is used by them for their preparation for the CUET Examination. A good and result-oriented Strategy & Planning for the examination will definitely allow the candidates to make their way through CUET Examination. The foremost step in planning involves preparing a study plan based on the Syllabus.
Total No. Of Topics to Study | Days |
Priority 1 | Domain Knowledge- Need to cover 2-3 topics in a week |
Priority 2 | Language, general awareness, mathematical aptitude, analytical skills and Research Methodology- Need to cover 2 topics in a week |
Number of Days Required for Domain Knowledge | Two months (60 Days)- One month and 15 days- 45 days |
Number of Days Required for Language, general awareness, mathematical aptitude, analytical skills and Research Methodology | Two months (60 days) |
Revision | 15 Days-30 Day |
1. Identify the sections that you need to work on again.
2. Prepare a strategy accordingly.
3. If part of the syllabus is still left, try and finish the entire syllabus first.
4. Revise the topics that find comparatively difficult and then move on the relatively easier topics.
5. When you are done with the syllabus, start putting your brain in the exam environment by practising mock tests. These mock tests will also help you with time management on the day of the exam.
6. Go through the previous year question papers to find a pattern of questions and the ones that may seem to be the most important.
1. Make sure you have the right study material for CUET along with previous year question papers and mock tests.
2. The candidate must have a clear understanding of the syllabus and exam pattern.
3. Look for the important sections that you must cover right in the beginning. Post that, you may move on the less important topics.
4. General awareness is something that you need to work on every day. The smartest way to cover all the important topics is by taking part in a few GK quizzes for the year.
5. Practice a few mock tests or previous year question papers.
1. Most candidates make the mistake of starting with the CUET Preparation without making a plan. Plans always help candidates study in a systematic way spend some time in making a preparation strategy for CUET.
2. Focus on the important topics and if you are left with no time at all, leave the topics that you have no idea about.
3. Solve more and more sample question papers/mock tests/previous year question papers which will help you understand the paper better.
1. Focus on top priority topics from all the sections first.
2. Prepare notes yourself while learning.
3. Do not leave any topic in your preparation.
4. Be perfect with the concepts.
5. Taking Online Mock Tests will help you identify your level of preparation that how much you have prepared for the exam. It will also help you identify your weak areas.
6. Study from the best resources and books.
7. Daily Revision is the key to success.
8. Doubts should be cleared not ignored.
9. Always have a positive mindset, you need to become an optimistic person to crack any exam in this world.
CUET PG 2024 Exam is scheduled to be conducted from March 11, 2024 to March 28, 2024. The National Testing Agency (NTA) has been released the CUET PG application form on December 26, 2023. The last date to fill CUET PG 2024 application form was February 10, 2024.
The only deciding factor for the selection or rejection of a candidate is the Strategy & Planning which is used by them for their preparation for the CUET Examination. A good and result-oriented Strategy & Planning for the examination will definitely allow the candidates to make their way through CUET Examination. The foremost step in planning involves preparing a study plan based on the Syllabus.
Total No. Of Topics to Study | Days |
Priority 1 | Domain Knowledge- Need to cover 2-3 topics in a week |
Priority 2 | Language, general awareness, mathematical aptitude, analytical skills and Research Methodology- Need to cover 2 topics in a week |
Number of Days Required for Domain Knowledge | Two months (60 Days)- One month and 15 days- 45 days |
Number of Days Required for Language, general awareness, mathematical aptitude, analytical skills and Research Methodology | Two months (60 days) |
Revision | 15 Days-30 Day |
1. Identify the sections that you need to work on again.
2. Prepare a strategy accordingly.
3. If part of the syllabus is still left, try and finish the entire syllabus first.
4. Revise the topics that find comparatively difficult and then move on the relatively easier topics.
5. When you are done with the syllabus, start putting your brain in the exam environment by practising mock tests. These mock tests will also help you with time management on the day of the exam.
6. Go through the previous year question papers to find a pattern of questions and the ones that may seem to be the most important.
1. Make sure you have the right study material for CUET along with previous year question papers and mock tests.
2. The candidate must have a clear understanding of the syllabus and exam pattern.
3. Look for the important sections that you must cover right in the beginning. Post that, you may move on the less important topics.
4. General awareness is something that you need to work on every day. The smartest way to cover all the important topics is by taking part in a few GK quizzes for the year.
5. Practice a few mock tests or previous year question papers.
1. Most candidates make the mistake of starting with the CUET Preparation without making a plan. Plans always help candidates study in a systematic way spend some time in making a preparation strategy for CUET.
2. Focus on the important topics and if you are left with no time at all, leave the topics that you have no idea about.
3. Solve more and more sample question papers/mock tests/previous year question papers which will help you understand the paper better.
1. Focus on top priority topics from all the sections first.
2. Prepare notes yourself while learning.
3. Do not leave any topic in your preparation.
4. Be perfect with the concepts.
5. Taking Online Mock Tests will help you identify your level of preparation that how much you have prepared for the exam. It will also help you identify your weak areas.
6. Study from the best resources and books.
7. Daily Revision is the key to success.
8. Doubts should be cleared not ignored.
9. Always have a positive mindset, you need to become an optimistic person to crack any exam in this world.
What is CUET? | Common University Entrance Test (CUET) is an all-India level entrance exam conducted jointly by central universities for admission in UG, PG, and Ph.D. courses offered in all the participating institutions |
In which courses can I secure admission through CUET exam? | Through CUET exam, you can secure admission in a variety of PG and PhD courses |
Is the interview round conducted for all programmes? | No. The interview round is only conducted for candidates applying for MSc/MA in Digital Society course. The interview holds 25% weightage. |
How many times is CUET conducted in a year? | CUET exam is conducted once a year. |
Can I submit two application forms for two courses at a time? | Applicant as per eligibility can apply for multiple course, however candidate shall not be apply for duplicate or multiple Forms for same course, which may leads to cancellation of all his/her Application Forms |
Can I use my friend’s email address when registering for? | No, you need to use a valid and unique email address of applicant only as all communications are through registered e-mail id or SMS. In addition, you will not able to change or edit the mobile number and email address on the application form later as these particulars are fixed. |
Can I fill the application form offline? | No, CUET application forms have be filled in online mode on the official website of the exam only. |
How many options can an applicant fill for the programmes in the application form of CUET? | An applicant can choose a maximum of three programmes for the Common Entrance Test |
What are the major reasons which can lead to the cancellation of the candidature of an application? | The major reasons that can result in the cancellation of a candidate's candidature are: if the minimum eligibility requirement is not fulfilled or false documentation has been done or facts have been suppressed |
Does the passport-sized photograph have to be coloured or black and white? | Candidates are advised to upload a scanned copy of their passport-size photograph which should be either coloured or black and white. The photograph should be in white background and 80 per cent face (without mask) should be visible. |
Can I cancel the exam? | No, under no circumstances a cancellation shall be allowed. |
How many institutes will accept CUET PG scores? | CUET PG scores will be accepted by 42 Central and Private Universities across India. |
What is the mode of exam? | CUET PG will be conducted in an online mode, or a computer-based mode. |
Is there negative marking in CUET? | Yes. There is negative marking in the CUET exam. For each wrong answer, one mark will be deducted. |
Why am I asked in the correction window to pay additional fee after making corrections? | No additional fee is charged for making corrections in the details of application form, if there is no change in the Category. As amount of exam fee depends on the Category to which a candidate belongs, an additional fee may be applicable in certain cases. Please check the Information Bulletin for the amount of fee payable by different Categories. |
What is the last time for entry? | Candidates are required to be in the exam centre latest, half an hour before the commencement of the exam. |
Should I carry a paper to the exam hall for doing some rough work? | No, blank sheets for doing rough work/calculations will be provided to the candidates at the exam centre and all calculations/rough work are to be done only in the blank sheets. On completion of the test, candidates must drop these rough sheets along with Admit card and Undertaking in the designated box, as instructed by the invigilator on duty |
How do I answer questions in the computer based mode? | Detailed guidelines on the Procedure for appearing in computer based tests are given in the Information Bulletin. You may go through them. |
Can I take the exam from any computer? | No, a candidate will have to appear for the exam on a pre-assigned workstation of the test centre allocated to him/her mentioned in the admit card. |
Can I move back and forth between the questions? | Yes, candidates will have the option to navigate between the questions by following instructions available on the User Interface. They may change even answer options, any-time before they enter submit button |
Will the CUET results be declared in the form of merit lists? | First the CUET scorecard will be released, followed by the release of merit lists of each course. Students are required to check the merit list to check their rank acquired |
How do I check my scorecard? | The candidate will have to enter their Application Number and Password to log in. |
Will answer keys be released? | Yes. The CUET officials will release the CUET answer key one week after the results have been announced online. |
What after the results have been declared? | The candidate who secures the desired rank, will have to appear at the university interested in and will have to complete the counselling session. |
Is the scorecard required for the counselling session? | Yes. The candidate will have to download their CUET scorecard as it is part of the document which is needed to complete the counselling session |
1. For the Official Website - click here
2. For Information Brochure 2024 - click here
CUET PG 2024 Exam is scheduled to be conducted from March 11, 2024 to March 28, 2024. The National Testing Agency (NTA) has been released the CUET PG application form on December 26, 2023. The last date to fill CUET PG 2024 application form was February 10, 2024.
Common University Entrance Test (CUET) is being introduced for admission into UG/ PG programmes in Central and participating Universities . The Common University Entrance Test (CUET) will provide a common platform and equal opportunities to candidates across the country, especially those from North-East and from rural and other remote areas and help to establish better connect with the Universities. A single Examination will enable the Candidates to cover a wide outreach and be part of the admissions process to various Central Universities.
S. No. | Name of Universities | Websites | Type of University |
1 | Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University | Central University | |
2 | Banaras Hindu University | Central University | |
3 | Central Tribal University of Andhra Pradesh | Central University | |
4 | Central University of Andhra Pradesh | Central University | |
5 | Central University of South Bihar | Central University | |
6 | Central University of Gujarat | Central University | |
7 | Central University of Haryana | Central University | |
8 | Central University of Himachal Pradesh | Central University | |
9 | Central University of Jammu | Central University | |
10 | Central University of Jharkhand | Central University | |
11 | Central University of Karnataka | Central University | |
12 | Central University of Kashmir | Central University | |
13 | Central University of Kerala |
CUET PG 2024 Exam is scheduled to be conducted from March 11, 2024 to March 28, 2024. The National Testing Agency (NTA) has been released the CUET PG application form on December 26, 2023. The last date to fill CUET PG 2024 application form was February 10, 2024.
Common University Entrance Test (CUET) is being introduced for admission into UG/ PG programmes in Central and participating Universities . The Common University Entrance Test (CUET) will provide a common platform and equal opportunities to candidates across the country, especially those from North-East and from rural and other remote areas and help to establish better connect with the Universities. A single Examination will enable the Candidates to cover a wide outreach and be part of the admissions process to various Central Universities.
S. No. | Name of Universities | Websites | Type of University |
1 | Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University | Central University | |
2 | Banaras Hindu University | Central University | |
3 | Central Tribal University of Andhra Pradesh | Central University | |
4 | Central University of Andhra Pradesh | Central University | |
5 | Central University of South Bihar | Central University | |
6 | Central University of Gujarat | Central University | |
7 | Central University of Haryana | Central University | |
8 | Central University of Himachal Pradesh | Central University | |
9 | Central University of Jammu | Central University | |
10 | Central University of Jharkhand | Central University | |
11 | Central University of Karnataka | Central University | |
12 | Central University of Kashmir | Central University | |
13 | Central University of Kerala | Central University | |
14 | Central University of Odisha | Central University | |
15 | Central University of Punjab | Central University | |
16 | Central University of Rajasthan | Central University | |
17 | Central University of Tamil Nadu | Central University | |
18 | (a) Indira Gandhi National Tribal University Amarkantak | Central University | |
19 | Dr. Harisingh Gour Vishwavidyalaya | Central University | |
20 | Guru Ghasidas Vishwavidyalaya | Central University | |
21 | Hemvati Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal University | Central University | |
22 | Jawaharlal Nehru University | Central University | |
23 | Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya | Central University | |
24 | Manipur University | Central University | |
25 | North Eastern Hill University | Central University | |
26 | Pondicherry University | Central University | |
27 | Sikkim University | Central University | |
28 | Tezpur University | Central University | |
29 | The English and Foreign Languages University | Central University | |
30 | Tripura University | Central University | |
31 | University of Hyderabad | Central University | |
32 | Mahatma Gandhi Central University | Central University | |
33 | Central Sanskrit University | Central University | |
34 | National Sanskrit University | Central University | |
35 | B.R. Ambedkar School of Economics University | State University | |
36 | Madan Mohan Malviya University of Technology | State University | |
37 | National Rail and Transport Institute | Deemed University | |
38 | Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam Technical University | State University | |
39 | Devi Ahilya Vishvavidyalaya | State University | |
40 | Sardar Patel University of Police, Security | State University | |
41 | Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of | Central University | |
42 | Apex University | State University |
Particulars | Details |
Name of Exam | CUET PG |
Full Form | Common University Entrance Test (Postgraduate) |
Conducting Body | National Testing Agency (NTA) |
Level of Exam | National Level |
Accepting Colleges | Participating Central, State, Deemed, and other Universities of India |
Mode of Exam | Computer Based Test |
Language of question papers | English & Hindi or language specific in concerned subjects |
Exam duration | 120 minutes (02:00 Hrs) |
Official Website |
Events | Dates |
Start of online application | 26, December 2023 |
Last date to apply | 10, February 2024 |
Last date to submit fee | 10, February 2024 |
Application correction | 11 to 13, February 2024 |
Admit card release | 7, March 2024 |
CUET PG 2024 Exam | 11 to 28, March 2024 |
Answer Key | 4, April 2024 |
The application process is online, Applicants who meet the eligibility criteria can fill out the application form. The application process involves several steps, such as registering, completing the application form, uploading the required documents, paying the fee, and final submission. Candidates only need to fill out the application form with correct details, otherwise, you are responsible for rejection.
Follow the steps given below to Apply Online:
Step 1: You have to first visit the CUET PG official website.
Step 2: On the home page, you have to then click on the CUET PG link available.
Step 3: The candidate should supply the required details while filling the Online Application Form and is also required to create Password and choose Security Question and enter his/her answer. After successful submission of the personal details, an Application number will be generated and for subsequent logins, the candidate will be able to login directly with this system-generated Application Number and created Password.
Step 4: You have to fill out the CUET PG application form with all the required details correctly.
Step 5: The next step will be uploading the scanned photographs and signature.
Step 6: The next step includes payment of the application fee. You have to pay the CUET PG registration fees through any mode of payment.
Step 7: It is very important for you to download and keep a print copy of the application form with you for your future reference.
Application Fee (In India) | Application Fee (Outside India) | |||
Category | Application Fee | Fees for additional | Application Fee | Fees for additional |
General | Rs. 1200/- | Rs. 600/- | Rs. 6000 | Rs. 2000 |
OBC-NCL/Gen-EWS | Rs. 1000/- | Rs. 500/- | ||
SC/ ST/ Third Gender | Rs. 900/- | Rs. 500/- | ||
PwBD | Rs. 800/- | Rs. 500/- |
Step 1: Visit the official website.
Step 2: Locate and click on the "CUET PG admit card" link.
Step 3: Select the option "Through application number and password."
Step 4: Provide your application number and password in the respective fields.
Step 5: Click on the "Sign In" button.
Step 6: The CUET PG admit card will be displayed on the screen.
Step 7: Complete the process of CUET PG hall ticket download and ensure to print it out for future reference.
State | City | CITY CODE |
ANDHRA PRADESH | Amalapuram | AP35 |
Anantapur | AP01 | |
Bobbili | AP36 | |
Chirala | AP04 | |
Gujarat | Ahmedabad | GJ01 |
Gandhinagar | GJ32 | |
Himatnagar | GJ14 | |
Mehsana | GJ08 | |
Rajkot | GJ10 | |
Uttar Pradesh | Azamgarh | UP19 |
Lucknow | UP12 | |
Varanasi | UP18 | |
Agra | UP01 | |
Gorakhpur | UP08 | |
Meerut | UP14 | |
Punjab | Amritsar | PB01 |
Bathinda | PB02 | |
Ludhiana | PB05 | |
West Bengal | Asansol | WB01 |
Kolkata | WB10 | |
Nadia | WB17 | |
Karnataka | Bengaluru | KK04 |
Bidar | KK05 | |
Davanagere | KK06 | |
Hubli | KK27 | |
Rajasthan | Ajmer | RJ01 |
Bikaner | RJ05 | |
Jaipur | RJ06 | |
Jodhpur | RJ07 | |
Kota | RJ08 | |
Chhattisgarh | Raipur | CG03 |
Himachal Pradesh | Shimla | HP06 |
Uttarakhand | Dehradun | UK01 |
Jharkhand | Dhanbad | JH02 |
Jamshedpur | JH03 | |
Ranchi | JH04 | |
Haryana | Hisar | HR05 |
Mahendragarh | HR14 | |
Maharashtra | Mumbai | MR16 |
Nagpur | MR17 | |
Pune | MR22 | |
Solapur | MR27 |
Name of Country | City | City Code |
Bahrain | Manama | ZZ01 |
Sri Lanka | Colombo | ZZ02 |
Qatar | Doha | ZZ03 |
UAE | Dubai | ZZ04 |
Indonesia | Jakarta | ZZ13 |
Nepal | Kathmandu | ZZ05 |
Malaysia | Kuala Lumpur | ZZ11 |
Kuwait | Kuwait City | ZZ10 |
Nigeria | Lagos/Abuja | ZZ12 |
Oman | Muscat | ZZ06 |
Saudi Arab | Riyadh | ZZ07 |
UAE | Sharjah | ZZ08 |
Singapore | Singapore | ZZ09 |
For Complete List of Exam Centres: click here
Step 1: Visit the official website.
Step 2: Click on the “View CUET PG Result”
Step 3: Enter the CUET PG registration number, date of birth and security code.
Step 4: Click on the "Submit” button.
Step 5: The NTA CUET PG result will be displayed on screen.
Step 6: Download the CUET PG result PDF and save it for future reference.
The CUET PG counselling will be conducted by the participating institutes separately. Each institute will release its merit list based on qualifying candidates after the declaration of the result. Interested candidates will have to register and then participate in the counselling process.
1. For the Official Website - click here
2. For Information Brochure 2024 - click here
CUET PG Examination 2024: Latest Update
CUET PG 2024 Exam is scheduled to be conducted from March 11, 2024 to March 28, 2024. The National Testing Agency (NTA) has been released the CUET PG application form on December 26, 2023. The last date to fill CUET PG 2024 application form was February 10, 2024.
CUET PG Examination 2024: Overview
Common University Entrance Test (CUET) is being introduced for admission into UG/ PG programmes in Central and participating Universities . The Common University Entrance Test (CUET) will provide a common platform and equal opportunities to candidates across the country, especially those from North-East and from rural and other remote areas and help to establish better connect with the Universities. A single Examination will enable the Candidates to cover a wide outreach and be part of the admissions process to various Central Universities.
CUET PG 2024: Important Dates
Events | Dates |
Start of online application | 26, December 2023 |
Last date to apply | 10, February 2024 |
Last date to submit fee | 10, February 2024 |
Application correction | 11 to 13, February 2024 |
Admit card release | 7, March 2024 |
CUET PG 2024 Exam | 11 to 28, March 2024 |
Answer Key | 4, April 2024 |
CUET PG 2024: Who can apply
The candidate must be a citizen of India in order to be eligible for CUET examination.
Age Limit
There is no age restriction for candidates appearing in CUET examination.
Educational Qualification
1. General category applicants should score 55% marks in their Graduation from a recognized university.
2. SC/ST/OBC/PWD category applicants should have 50% marks in their Graduation from a recognized university.
CUET PG 2024: How can apply
Follow the steps given below to Apply Online:
Step 1: You have to first visit the CUET PG official website.
Step 2: On the home page, you have to then click on the CUET PG link available.
Step 3: The candidate should supply the required details while filling the Online Application Form and is also required to create Password and choose Security Question and enter his/her answer. After successful submission of the personal details, an Application number will be generated and for subsequent logins, the candidate will be able to login directly with this system-generated Application Number and created Password.
Step 4: You have to fill out the CUET PG application form with all the required details correctly.
Step 5: The next step will be uploading the scanned photographs and signature.
Step 6: The next step includes payment of the application fee. You have to pay the CUET PG registration fees through any mode of payment.
Step 7: It is very important for you to download and keep a print copy of the application form with you for your future reference.
CUET PG 2024: Application Fees
Application Fee (In India) |
CUET PG Examination 2024: Latest Update
CUET PG 2024 Exam is scheduled to be conducted from March 11, 2024 to March 28, 2024. The National Testing Agency (NTA) has been released the CUET PG application form on December 26, 2023. The last date to fill CUET PG 2024 application form was February 10, 2024.
CUET PG Examination 2024: Overview
Common University Entrance Test (CUET) is being introduced for admission into UG/ PG programmes in Central and participating Universities . The Common University Entrance Test (CUET) will provide a common platform and equal opportunities to candidates across the country, especially those from North-East and from rural and other remote areas and help to establish better connect with the Universities. A single Examination will enable the Candidates to cover a wide outreach and be part of the admissions process to various Central Universities.
CUET PG 2024: Important Dates
Events | Dates |
Start of online application | 26, December 2023 |
Last date to apply | 10, February 2024 |
Last date to submit fee | 10, February 2024 |
Application correction | 11 to 13, February 2024 |
Admit card release | 7, March 2024 |
CUET PG 2024 Exam | 11 to 28, March 2024 |
Answer Key | 4, April 2024 |
CUET PG 2024: Who can apply
The candidate must be a citizen of India in order to be eligible for CUET examination.
Age Limit
There is no age restriction for candidates appearing in CUET examination.
Educational Qualification
1. General category applicants should score 55% marks in their Graduation from a recognized university.
2. SC/ST/OBC/PWD category applicants should have 50% marks in their Graduation from a recognized university.
CUET PG 2024: How can apply
Follow the steps given below to Apply Online:
Step 1: You have to first visit the CUET PG official website.
Step 2: On the home page, you have to then click on the CUET PG link available.
Step 3: The candidate should supply the required details while filling the Online Application Form and is also required to create Password and choose Security Question and enter his/her answer. After successful submission of the personal details, an Application number will be generated and for subsequent logins, the candidate will be able to login directly with this system-generated Application Number and created Password.
Step 4: You have to fill out the CUET PG application form with all the required details correctly.
Step 5: The next step will be uploading the scanned photographs and signature.
Step 6: The next step includes payment of the application fee. You have to pay the CUET PG registration fees through any mode of payment.
Step 7: It is very important for you to download and keep a print copy of the application form with you for your future reference.
CUET PG 2024: Application Fees
Application Fee (In India) | Application Fee (Outside India) | |||
Category | Application Fee | Fees for additional | Application Fee | Fees for additional |
General | Rs. 1200/- | Rs. 600/- | Rs. 6000 | Rs. 2000 |
OBC-NCL/Gen-EWS | Rs. 1000/- | Rs. 500/- | ||
SC/ ST/ Third Gender | Rs. 900/- | Rs. 500/- | ||
PwBD | Rs. 800/- | Rs. 500/- |
CUET PG 2024: Exam Centres
State | City | CITY CODE |
ANDHRA PRADESH | Amalapuram | AP35 |
Anantapur | AP01 | |
Bobbili | AP36 | |
Chirala | AP04 | |
Gujarat | Ahmedabad | GJ01 |
Gandhinagar | GJ32 | |
Himatnagar | GJ14 | |
Mehsana | GJ08 | |
Rajkot | GJ10 | |
Uttar Pradesh | Azamgarh | UP19 |
Lucknow | UP12 | |
Varanasi | UP18 | |
Agra | UP01 | |
Gorakhpur | UP08 | |
Meerut | UP14 | |
Punjab | Amritsar | PB01 |
Bathinda | PB02 | |
Ludhiana | PB05 | |
West Bengal | Asansol | WB01 |
Kolkata | WB10 | |
Nadia | WB17 | |
Karnataka | Bengaluru | KK04 |
Bidar | KK05 | |
Davanagere | KK06 | |
Hubli | KK27 | |
Rajasthan | Ajmer | RJ01 |
Bikaner | RJ05 | |
Jaipur | RJ06 | |
Jodhpur | RJ07 | |
Kota | RJ08 | |
Chhattisgarh | Raipur | CG03 |
Himachal Pradesh | Shimla | HP06 |
Uttarakhand | Dehradun | UK01 |
Jharkhand | Dhanbad | JH02 |
Jamshedpur | JH03 | |
Ranchi | JH04 | |
Haryana | Hisar | HR05 |
Mahendragarh | HR14 | |
Maharashtra | Mumbai | MR16 |
Nagpur | MR17 | |
Pune | MR22 | |
Solapur | MR27 |
Name of Country | City | City Code |
Bahrain | Manama | ZZ01 |
Sri Lanka | Colombo | ZZ02 |
Qatar | Doha | ZZ03 |
UAE | Dubai | ZZ04 |
Indonesia | Jakarta | ZZ13 |
Nepal | Kathmandu | ZZ05 |
Malaysia | Kuala Lumpur | ZZ11 |
Kuwait | Kuwait City | ZZ10 |
Nigeria | Lagos/Abuja | ZZ12 |
Oman | Muscat | ZZ06 |
Saudi Arab | Riyadh | ZZ07 |
UAE | Sharjah | ZZ08 |
Singapore | Singapore | ZZ09 |
For Complete List of Exam Centres: click here
CUET PG 2024: Admit Card
Step 1: Visit the official website.
Step 2: Locate and click on the "CUET PG admit card" link.
Step 3: Select the option "Through application number and password."
Step 4: Provide your application number and password in the respective fields.
Step 5: Click on the "Sign In" button.
Step 6: The CUET PG admit card will be displayed on the screen.
Step 7: Complete the process of CUET PG hall ticket download and ensure to print it out for future reference.
CUET PG 2024: Result
Step 1: Visit the official website.
Step 2: Click on the “View CUET PG Result”
Step 3: Enter the CUET PG registration number, date of birth and security code.
Step 4: Click on the "Submit” button.
Step 5: The NTA CUET PG result will be displayed on screen.
Step 6: Download the CUET PG result PDF and save it for future reference.
CUET PG 2024: Counselling Process
The CUET PG counselling will be conducted by the participating institutes separately. Each institute will release its merit list based on qualifying candidates after the declaration of the result. Interested candidates will have to register and then participate in the counselling process.
1. For the Official Website - click here
2. For Information Brochure 2024 - click here
Candidates can download this slip from the official website by entering their application number, date of birth, and captcha code...
Posted On: 07 Mar, 2025 | |
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The National Testing Agency (NTA) has released the CUET PG 2025 admit cards for exams scheduled between March 26 and April 1, 2025...
Posted On: 22 Mar, 2025 | |
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Candidates who are set to appear for the Common University Admission Test - Postgraduate (CUET PG) need to provide their Application Number and Date of Birth to access their hall tickets...
Posted On: 17 Mar, 2025 | |
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According to the CUET PG 2025 information bulletin, the exam city intimation slips are expected to be made available in the first week of March...
Posted On: 03 Mar, 2025 | |
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Candidates planning to appear for the CUET PG 2025 exam can check the detailed schedule on the NTA official website...
Posted On: 27 Feb, 2025 | |
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To be eligible for admission, candidates must register and qualify in the CUET PG 2025 exam, which is organized by the National Testing Agency (NTA)...
Posted On: 14 Jan, 2025 | |
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The last date to complete the application is February 1, 2025. The correction window for any modifications will be open from February 3 to February 5, 2025. The CUET PG 2025 exam will take place between March 13 and March 31, 2025...
Posted On: 03 Jan, 2025 | |
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Candidates who appeared in the CUET PG exams can download their scorecards via the URL provided on the official website...
Posted On: 13 Apr, 2024 | |
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Candidates who appeared in the Common University Entrance Test for postgraduate degrees can find the final answer key on CUET PG's official website...
Posted On: 12 Apr, 2024 | |
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Candidates who appeared in the Common University Entrance Test for postgraduate degrees can find the final answer key on CUET PG's official website...
Posted On: 12 Apr, 2024 | |
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The notice contains information about the changes made to the information bulletin as well as information about the examination. Candidates can find the official notice on the official website...
Posted On: 31 Mar, 2023 | |
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Candidates interested in applying can do so online at the official website...
Posted On: 18 Apr, 2023 | |
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Candidates who want to apply for the Common University Entrance Test for postgraduate courses should visit the official website...
Posted On: 18 Apr, 2023 | |
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Students can learn more about the registration process by visiting the official website...
Posted On: 19 Apr, 2023 | |
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Candidates who have applied for the Common University Entrance Test Postgraduate can access it at the official website...
Posted On: 29 Apr, 2023 | |
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Candidates who want to apply for the entrance exam but have not yet registered can do so by completing the registration form on the official website...
Posted On: 05 May, 2023 | |
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This year CUET PG exams are scheduled to be held in two shifts from June 5 to June 12, with each exam lasting two hours. Shift 1 tests will be held from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm, while shift 2 exams will be held from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm...
Posted On: 08 May, 2023 | |
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Candidates who are planning to appear in the entrance exam but have yet to apply can do so by completing an application form on the official website...
Posted On: 11 May, 2023 | |
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Candidates who want to apply for the Common University Entrance Test for postgraduate programmes can do so at the official website...
Posted On: 10 May, 2023 | |
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Candidates can make changes to their applications until May 13...
Posted On: 13 May, 2023 | |
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The National Testing Agency (NTA) is anticipated to release the Common University Entrance Test Postgraduate (CUET PG) 2023 city intimation slips on May 31, according to University Grants Commission (UGC) Chief Mamidala Jagadesh Kumar...
Posted On: 30 May, 2023 | |
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The National Testing Agency (NTA) has released the exam city notification slip for the Common University Entrance Test-Postgraduate, also known as CUET PG 2023, which is set for June 5, 6, 7, and 8...
Posted On: 01 Jun, 2023 | |
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Candidates who want to appear in the Common University Entrance Test for postgraduate programmes can obtain it through the CUET PG official website...
Posted On: 03 Jun, 2023 | |
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The testing agency also stated in the official statement that it will provide CUET PG exam admit card to candidtes who have not received their admit cards in subsequent rounds...
Posted On: 05 Jun, 2023 | |
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Candidates can download the intimation slip by visiting the CUET PG official website...
Posted On: 07 Jun, 2023 | |
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All candidates who are scheduled to appear in the exam can obtain their admit cards through the official website...
Posted On: 08 Jun, 2023 | |
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Candidates who want to appear for the Common University Entrance Test for postgraduate degrees can download the slip from the CUET PG official website...
Posted On: 10 Jun, 2023 | |
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The exam city intimation slip is available to all registered candidates on the official website...
Posted On: 12 Jun, 2023 | |
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The CUET PG 2023 admit cards were issued on June 11, 2023. Students who will be appearing in the Postgraduate entrance exams on June 13 and 14, 2023 can download their admit cards from the official website...
Posted On: 12 Jun, 2023 | |
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Candidates who have registered for the CUET PG 2023 exams can download the postgraduate admission card from the National Testing Agency's official website...
Posted On: 13 Jun, 2023 | |
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The National Testing Agency, NTA, has issued an important notice to candidates who were unable to appear for the CUET PG 2023 examination. Candidates can view the official notice on the official website...
Posted On: 16 Jun, 2023 | |
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The exams for the candidates will be held from June 21 to 23, 2023, according to the schedule announced. The exams' buffer days have been chosen for June 24 and 25, 2023...
Posted On: 17 Jun, 2023 | |
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Candidates who were expected to write the CUET PG between June 5 and 17 but were unable to find a exam center will appear for the exam between June 22 and 30, 2023, the NTA announced on June 21...
Posted On: 22 Jun, 2023 | |
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According to the most recent information, the admit cards should be available by the evening of June 20, 2023. However, they have yet to be released...
Posted On: 22 Jun, 2023 | |
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Candidate should study the subject-specific guidelines and other details before downloading the CUET PG 2023 admit card. The admit card is a required document that candidates must present at the exam center...
Posted On: 23 Jun, 2023 | |
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Candidates who want to appear for the entrance exam may download their admit card from the official website, by entering their login credentials...
Posted On: 23 Jun, 2023 | |
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The CUET PG 2023 tentative answer key will be released by NTA in pdf format, which can be accessed straight from the official website...
Posted On: 07 Jul, 2023 | |
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When the provisional key is released, candidates will be able to access and download it from the official website in PDF format. On June 30, 2023, the authorities completed the CUET PG examinations 2023...
Posted On: 11 Jul, 2023 | |
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Candidates who appeared in the Common University Entrance Test for postgraduate programmes can download the answer key from the CUET PG official website...
Posted On: 14 Jul, 2023 | |
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The objection window closes on July 15 at 11:00 pm, and the payment window closes by 11:50 pm...
Posted On: 15 Jul, 2023 | |
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Mamidala Jagadesh Kumar, chairman of the University Grants Commission (UGC), stated that the CUET PG result date will be released soon and that the final answer key will be available in a few days...
Posted On: 17 Jul, 2023 | |
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Candidates who appeared in the Common University Entrance Test, CUET PG, can download the answer key from the CUET PG official website...
Posted On: 19 Jul, 2023 | |
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The National Testing Agency (NTA) has revealed the results of the CUET PG 2023. Candidates who appeared in the CUET PG exam can view their results on the official website....
Posted On: 21 Jul, 2023 | |
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Candidates who have passed the CUET PG exams can apply for admission through the university's official website. The deadline for candidates to submit applications is August 4, 2023...
Posted On: 27 Jul, 2023 | |
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Candidates can view and download the whole schedule on the official website...
Posted On: 19 Sep, 2023 | |
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Candidates can apply for the Common University Entrance Test (CUET PG) - 2024 by visiting the CUET PG official website...
Posted On: 31 Jan, 2024 | |
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Students who have not yet submitted their applications for CUET PG courses can do so by visiting the official website and following the registration and application process...
Posted On: 25 Jan, 2024 | |
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The National Testing Agency (NTA) has been mandated by the Ministry of Education and the UGC with conducting the entrance examination for admission to Postgraduate Programmes at Central and other participating Universities...
Posted On: 23 Jan, 2024 | |
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The CUET PG 2024 exam is scheduled for March 2024, according to the official notification. Candidates who appearing for the exams are advised to carefully complete the registration and application processes...
Posted On: 27 Dec, 2023 | |
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According to the official schedule released by NTA in September, the CUET PG exam will be held from March 11, 2024...
Posted On: 16 Dec, 2023 | |
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This decision was made in response to requests from candidates and other stakeholders to increase the number of test locations for the benefit of candidates...
Posted On: 18 Jan, 2024 | |
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The exam will take place from March 11 to March 28 in CBT (Computer Based Test) format. The schedule includes subject and shift-specific paper timings...
Posted On: 28 Feb, 2024 | |
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Candidates who are appearing in the CUET PG 2024 exams between March 11 and 15, 2024, can get their exam city slips via the website's login link...
Posted On: 05 Mar, 2024 | |
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Candidates who have applied for the CUET PG 2024 exams will be able to download their admit cards using the link provided on the official website...
Posted On: 05 Mar, 2024 | |
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If candidates are dissatisfied with the answers, they may challenge the tentative key by providing sufficient reasons and presenting supporting documentation...
Posted On: 03 Apr, 2024 | |
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Candidates who plan to appear for the Common University Entrance Test for postgraduate can download their admit cards from the CUET PG official website...
Posted On: 22 Mar, 2024 | |
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Students who have applied for the exams can download the admit card via a link on the official website...
Posted On: 21 Mar, 2024 | |
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Students who will be appearing in the CUET PG exam on March 23 can download their admit cards from the official website...
Posted On: 20 Mar, 2024 | |
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Candidates who want to appear for the Common University Entrance Test on March 22 can download the admit card from the CUET PG official website...
Posted On: 19 Mar, 2024 | |
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Candidates who want to appear for the Common University Entrance Test on March 19 can download the admit card from the CUET PG official website...
Posted On: 16 Mar, 2024 | |
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Candidates who want to appear for the Common University Entrance Test on March 18 can download the admit card from the CUET PG official website...
Posted On: 15 Mar, 2024 | |
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The National Testing Agency (NTA) has issued the admit card for the Common University Entrance Test Postgraduate (CUET PG) 2024 test...
Posted On: 13 Mar, 2024 | |
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The National Testing Agency (NTA) has issued the admit card for the Common University Entrance Test Postgraduate (CUET PG) 2024 test...
Posted On: 13 Mar, 2024 | |
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Students who are appearing for the CUET PG 2024 examinations on March 16 can download their admit cards from the CUET PG official website...
Posted On: 13 Mar, 2024 | |
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Candidates who are scheduled to appear for the exams on March 14 and 15, 2024, can download their CUET PG admit card 2024 from the official website...
Posted On: 12 Mar, 2024 | |
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According to the official timetable, the CUET PG 2024 exams will begin on March 11, and run until March 28, 2024...
Posted On: 11 Mar, 2024 | |
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Students who are scheduled to appear for the CUET PG exams on March 11, 2024, can download their admit cards from the official CUET PG official website...
Posted On: 08 Mar, 2024 | |
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Candidates who appeared in the Common University Entrance Test for postgraduate degrees can download the answer key from CUET PG's official website...
Posted On: 06 Apr, 2024 | |
Read More |
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Central Universities Common Entrance Test (CUCET) is an all-India level entrance exam conducted jointly by central universities for admission in UG, PG, and Ph.D. courses offered in all the participating institutions. To get full information about CUET PG exam, you can go to the general information button above.
CUET exam is conducted once a year. For access full information of CUET PG exam click on General information button above.
Applicant as per eligibility can apply for multiple course, however candidate shall not be apply for duplicate or multiple Forms for same course, which may leads to cancellation of all his/her Application Form. To view all the information related to CUET PG Exam Application Form and process to fill the application form, go to the General Information tab above.
No, you need to use a valid and unique email address of applicant only as all communications are through registered e-mail id or SMS. In addition, you will not able to change or edit the mobile number and email address on the application form later as these particulars are fixed. Complete details about CUET PG Exam is available on the general information section above.
No, CUET application forms have be filled in online mode on the official website of the exam only. The step by step procedure to fill the online application form of CUET PG exam is available in the general information button above.
CUET PG scores will be accepted by 42 Central and Private Universities across India.
CUET PG will be conducted in an online mode, or a computer-based mode. You can check all the detailed information about number of questions, time limit, negative marking, exam mode asked in CUET PG exam by clicking on the format button given above.
Yes. There is negative marking in the CUET exam. For each wrong answer, one mark will be deducted. By clicking on the format button above, you can see the marking scheme of CUET PG exam, which shows how many marks are assigned to each question and how many marks will be deducted for each wrong answer.
No, blank sheets for doing rough work/calculations will be provided to the candidates at the exam centre and all calculations/rough work are to be done only in the blank sheets. On completion of the test, candidates must drop these rough sheets along
Paper will be only in English language (except language papers). To know full detail about CUET PG Exam Mode, Language, Pattern etc. Go through the format button given above.
No, a candidate will have to appear for the exam on a pre-assigned workstation of the test centre allocated to him/her mentioned in the admit card. To check the complete list of exam centers for CUET PG exam, you can go to the general information button above.
First the CUET scorecard will be released, followed by the release of merit lists of each course. Students are required to check the merit list to check their rank acquired. To know more about the merit list of CUET PG exam go through the general information section given above.
The candidate will have to enter their Application Number and Password to log in. Click on general information tab above for step by step process to check CUET PG Exam scorecard.
Yes. The CUET officials will release the CUET answer key one week after the results have been announced online. To know about the release date of CUET PG exam answer key, click on the schedule tab which is given above.
Yes. The candidate will have to download their CUET scorecard as it is part of the document which is needed to complete the counselling session. You can click on the General Information tab above to see the complete process of applying for the counseling process of CUET PG exam.
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