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IBPS SO Mains Examination 2024: Latest Update
Institute of Banking Personnel Selection has Released the IBPS SO Exam 2024 Notification with the Aim Of Filling 896 Vacancies, on 01- 08- 2024, Last Date for Online Application was 28- 08- 2024, The IBPS SO Prelims exam is scheduled to be conducted on 09- 11- 2024 ( Tentative ). After declaring the Result of the Preliminary exam, IBPS will conduct the SO Main exam on 14 -12 -2024 ( Tentative ).
Syllabus for IBPS Specialist officer Mains is given below:
Name of the Test | Topics |
IT Officer | Database Management System |
Data Communication and Networking | |
Operating System | |
Software Engineering | |
Data Structure | |
Computer Organization and Microprocessor | |
Object-Oriented Programming | |
Agricultural Field Officer | Basics of Crop production |
Horticulture | |
Seed Science | |
Agronomy and Irrigation | |
Agricultural Economics | |
Agricultural Practices | |
Soil resources | |
Animal Husbandry | |
Agroforestry | |
Ecology | |
Government Schemes | |
Marketing Officer | Basics of Marketing Management |
Brand Management | |
Advertising | |
Public Relations | |
Sales | |
Retail | |
Business Ethics | |
Market Segmentation | |
Market research and forecasting demand | |
Product Life Cycle | |
Corporate Social Responsibility | |
Service Marketing | |
Marketing Strategies | |
Law Officer | Banking Regulations |
Compliance and Legal Aspects | |
Relevant Law and Orders related to negotiable instruments, securities, foreign exchange | |
Prevention of Money-laundering, Limitation Act | |
Consumer Protection Act | |
Banking Ombudsman Scheme | |
La |
IBPS SO Mains Examination 2024: Latest Update
Institute of Banking Personnel Selection has Released the IBPS SO Exam 2024 Notification with the Aim Of Filling 896 Vacancies, on 01- 08- 2024, Last Date for Online Application was 28- 08- 2024, The IBPS SO Prelims exam is scheduled to be conducted on 09- 11- 2024 ( Tentative ). After declaring the Result of the Preliminary exam, IBPS will conduct the SO Main exam on 14 -12 -2024 ( Tentative ).
Syllabus for IBPS Specialist officer Mains is given below:
Name of the Test | Topics |
IT Officer | Database Management System |
Data Communication and Networking | |
Operating System | |
Software Engineering | |
Data Structure | |
Computer Organization and Microprocessor | |
Object-Oriented Programming | |
Agricultural Field Officer | Basics of Crop production |
Horticulture | |
Seed Science | |
Agronomy and Irrigation | |
Agricultural Economics | |
Agricultural Practices | |
Soil resources | |
Animal Husbandry | |
Agroforestry | |
Ecology | |
Government Schemes | |
Marketing Officer | Basics of Marketing Management |
Brand Management | |
Advertising | |
Public Relations | |
Sales | |
Retail | |
Business Ethics | |
Market Segmentation | |
Market research and forecasting demand | |
Product Life Cycle | |
Corporate Social Responsibility | |
Service Marketing | |
Marketing Strategies | |
Law Officer | Banking Regulations |
Compliance and Legal Aspects | |
Relevant Law and Orders related to negotiable instruments, securities, foreign exchange | |
Prevention of Money-laundering, Limitation Act | |
Consumer Protection Act | |
Banking Ombudsman Scheme | |
Laws and Actions with direct link to Banking Sector | |
Bankers Book Evidence Act | |
DRT Act | |
HR/Personnel Officer | Human Resource Development |
Business policy and strategic analysis | |
Transnational Analysis | |
Training and Development | |
Recruitment and Selection | |
Rewards and Recognition | |
Industrial Relations | |
Business Policy and Strategic Analysis | |
Grievance and Conflict Management | |
Performance Management and Appraisal | |
Rajsabha Adhikari | Banking Regulations Passages |
Synonyms-Antonyms | |
Cloze Test | |
Fill in the Blanks | |
Practical Translation | |
Hindi/English Grammar |
Recommended Books:
For IT Officer:
1. Data Communications and Networking by Behrouz. A Forouzan
2. A computer for Competitive Exams: Fundamental of Computer with MCQ’s by RPH Editorial Board
For Law Officer:
For HR Specialist:
1. Bank HR Specialist book by Kiran Prakashan
2. Human Resource Management by K Aswathappa
3. CWE-IBPS Bank-HR Specialist/Personal Officer Complete Book by Chandresh Agrawal
For Agricultural Officer:
1. Agriculture Field Officer by R.Gupta
2. IBPS – SO Agricultural Field Officer (Main) Exam by Dr. Lalita Gaur
3. Agriculture Field Officer IBPS by New Vishal’s Editorial Board
For Marketing Officer:
1. Principles of Marketing by Kavita Sharma
2. CWE-IBPS Bank-Marketing Specialist Officer Exam: Complete Book by Chandresh Agrawal
For Rajbhasha Adhikari:
1. For Official Website- Click here
2. For Official Notification- Click here
IBPS SO Mains Examination 2024: Latest Update
Institute of Banking Personnel Selection has Released the IBPS SO Exam 2024 Notification with the Aim Of Filling 896 Vacancies, on 01- 08- 2024, Last Date for Online Application was 28- 08- 2024, The IBPS SO Prelims exam is scheduled to be conducted on 09- 11- 2024 ( Tentative ). After declaring the Result of the Preliminary exam, IBPS will conduct the SO Main exam on 14 -12 -2024 ( Tentative ).
Exam Pattern:
IBPS SO Main Examination shall be held as an Objective Type Online Computer Based Test. IBPS SO Main Examination shall consist of total 47 questions and total 60 Marks for post of Raj Bhasha Adhikari and the total duration of examination shall be 60 Minutes. For post of Law Officer, IT Officer, Agriculture Field Officer, HR/Personnel Officer and Marketing Officer exam there will be 60 questions of 60 marks and the time duration allotted will be 45 minutes. The section-wise distribution of Questions and Marks is given below:
For the post of Raj Bhasha Adhikari there will be 45 questions which will be of multiple type of question (MCQ) of related professional knowledge and 2 Descriptive type of questions which will also be related to the professional knowledge.
For the Post of Raj Bhasha Adhikari:
Test Mode | Name of Test | No. of Questions | Maximum Marks | Duration |
Objective & Descriptive Online Computer Based Test | Professional Knowledge - Objective | 45 Q | 60 | 30 Minutes |
Professional Knowledge - Descriptive | 2 Q | 30 Minutes | ||
Total test = 2 | Total question = 47 Ques | Total duration = 60 Minutes |
For the Post of Law Officer, IT Officer, Agriculture Field Officer, HR/Personnel Officer and Marketing Officer:
For the post of Law Officer, IT Officer, Agriculture Field HR/Personnel Officer and Marketing Officer there will be only 60 questions which will be of multiple type of question (MCQ) of related professional knowledge and there will be no Descriptive type of questions.
Test Mode | Name of Test | No. of Questions | Maximum Marks | Duration |
Objective Type Online Computer Based Test | Professional Knowledge | 60 Ques | 60 Marks | 45 Minutes |
Mode Of Examination:
Both Objective type and Descriptive Type Test will be held as a Computer Based Test.
Medium Of Examination:
Both the exams will be conduct in Hindi & English Language.
Marking Scheme Highlights:
1. For each wrong answer has been given by the candidate, one fourth or 0.25 of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted as penalty.
2. If a question is left blank, i.e. no answer is marked by the candidate, there will be no penalty for that question.
Normalisation of Score:
The corrected scores obtained by each of the candidates in different sessions (if held) will be normalized using equi- percentile method.
1. First, the percentile rank of the students for each shift of the exam is calculated using the formula given below -
Percentile Rank of the Cadidates = ( ( Total Students In a Shift - Rank of Candidates in the Shift) / ( Total Students in a Shift) ) X 100
2. After that, based on the number of available vacancies, a cut-off percentile rank is decided.
3. Based on this cut-off score, candidates are shortlisted for the next phase of the recruitment process.
Note :- Scores up to two
IBPS SO Mains Examination 2024: Latest Update
Institute of Banking Personnel Selection has Released the IBPS SO Exam 2024 Notification with the Aim Of Filling 896 Vacancies, on 01- 08- 2024, Last Date for Online Application was 28- 08- 2024, The IBPS SO Prelims exam is scheduled to be conducted on 09- 11- 2024 ( Tentative ). After declaring the Result of the Preliminary exam, IBPS will conduct the SO Main exam on 14 -12 -2024 ( Tentative ).
Exam Pattern:
IBPS SO Main Examination shall be held as an Objective Type Online Computer Based Test. IBPS SO Main Examination shall consist of total 47 questions and total 60 Marks for post of Raj Bhasha Adhikari and the total duration of examination shall be 60 Minutes. For post of Law Officer, IT Officer, Agriculture Field Officer, HR/Personnel Officer and Marketing Officer exam there will be 60 questions of 60 marks and the time duration allotted will be 45 minutes. The section-wise distribution of Questions and Marks is given below:
For the post of Raj Bhasha Adhikari there will be 45 questions which will be of multiple type of question (MCQ) of related professional knowledge and 2 Descriptive type of questions which will also be related to the professional knowledge.
For the Post of Raj Bhasha Adhikari:
Test Mode | Name of Test | No. of Questions | Maximum Marks | Duration |
Objective & Descriptive Online Computer Based Test | Professional Knowledge - Objective | 45 Q | 60 | 30 Minutes |
Professional Knowledge - Descriptive | 2 Q | 30 Minutes | ||
Total test = 2 | Total question = 47 Ques | Total duration = 60 Minutes |
For the Post of Law Officer, IT Officer, Agriculture Field Officer, HR/Personnel Officer and Marketing Officer:
For the post of Law Officer, IT Officer, Agriculture Field HR/Personnel Officer and Marketing Officer there will be only 60 questions which will be of multiple type of question (MCQ) of related professional knowledge and there will be no Descriptive type of questions.
Test Mode | Name of Test | No. of Questions | Maximum Marks | Duration |
Objective Type Online Computer Based Test | Professional Knowledge | 60 Ques | 60 Marks | 45 Minutes |
Mode Of Examination:
Both Objective type and Descriptive Type Test will be held as a Computer Based Test.
Medium Of Examination:
Both the exams will be conduct in Hindi & English Language.
Marking Scheme Highlights:
1. For each wrong answer has been given by the candidate, one fourth or 0.25 of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted as penalty.
2. If a question is left blank, i.e. no answer is marked by the candidate, there will be no penalty for that question.
Normalisation of Score:
The corrected scores obtained by each of the candidates in different sessions (if held) will be normalized using equi- percentile method.
1. First, the percentile rank of the students for each shift of the exam is calculated using the formula given below -
Percentile Rank of the Cadidates = ( ( Total Students In a Shift - Rank of Candidates in the Shift) / ( Total Students in a Shift) ) X 100
2. After that, based on the number of available vacancies, a cut-off percentile rank is decided.
3. Based on this cut-off score, candidates are shortlisted for the next phase of the recruitment process.
Note :- Scores up to two decimal points shall be taken for the purpose of calculations.
1. Acronym - IBPS SO.
2. Year Started - 1975.
3. Conducting Body/ Administrator - Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS).
4. Exam Purpose - Recruitment for Specialist Officers, which are Scale-I officers in the national public sector banks .
5. Exam Mode - Computer Based Test.
6. Stages - Preliminary Stage & Mains Stage.
7. Offered - Once a Year.
To be eligible for the IBPS SO Main Examination, candidates need to qualify the IBPS SO Preliminary Examination with the required cut- off as decided by IBPS authority.
An adequate number of candidates in each category as decided by IBPS depending upon requirements will be shortlisted for Online Main Examination.
1. For Official Website- Click here
2. For Official Notification- Click here
IBPS SO Mains Examination 2024: Latest Update
Institute of Banking Personnel Selection has Released the IBPS SO Exam 2024 Notification with the Aim Of Filling 896 Vacancies, on 01- 08- 2024, Last Date for Online Application was 28- 08- 2024, The IBPS SO Prelims exam is scheduled to be conducted on 09- 11- 2024 ( Tentative ). After declaring the Result of the Preliminary exam, IBPS will conduct the SO Main exam on 14 -12 -2024 ( Tentative ).
Candidates willing to apply for IBPS SO Examination are required to fulfil certain conditions to be eligible for it. The candidate who does not satisfy the Eligibility criteria like Age, Minimum educational qualification etc., their candidature shall be rejected by the authorities.
The criteria for eligibility IBPS SO Examination (CRP SPL-XI) are decided by the conduction body itself.
The candidate’s eligibility for IBPS SO Examination (CRP SPL-XI) Examination is based on the fulfilment of the following conditions :
1. Nationality
2. Age Limit & Relaxations
3. Educational Qualifications
A candidate must be either -
A Citizen of India or
A subject of Nepal or
A subject of Bhutan or
A Tibetan Refugee who came over to India before 1st January 1962 with the intention of permanently settling in India or
A person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania (formerly Tanganyika and Zanzibar), Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia and Vietnam with the intention of permanently settling in India, Provided that a candidate belonging to categorise (2), (3), (4) & (5) above shall be a person in whose favour a certificate of eligibility has been issued by the Government of India.
Age Limit:
The Age of a candidate shall be minimum 20 years and maximum 30 Years.
Relaxations of Upper Age Limit:
S.No. | Category | Age Relaxation |
1. | Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe | 5 Years |
2. | Other Backward Classes (Non-Creamy Layer) | 3 Years |
3. | Persons With Benchmark Disabilities as defined under “The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016” | 10 Years |
4. | Ex-Servicemen / Disabled Ex-Servicemen | 5 Years |
5. | Persons affected by 1984 riots | 5 Years |
Educational Qualifications:
Post Code | Name of the Post | Age | Educational Qualifications (from a University/ Institution/ Board recognised by Govt. Of India/ approved by Govt. Regulatory Bodies) |
1 | I.T. Officer | Min- 20 Years Max-30 Years | a) 4 year Engineering/ Technology Degree in Computer Science/ Computer Applications/ Information Technology/ Electronics/ Electronics & Telecommunications/ Electronics & Communication/ Electronics & Instrumentation |
2 | Agricultural Field Officer (Scale I) | Min- 20 Years Max-30 Years | 4 year Degree (graduation) in Agriculture/ Horticulture/Animal Husbandry/ Veterinary Science/ Dairy Science/ Fishery |
IBPS SO Mains Examination 2024: Latest Update
Institute of Banking Personnel Selection has Released the IBPS SO Exam 2024 Notification with the Aim Of Filling 896 Vacancies, on 01- 08- 2024, Last Date for Online Application was 28- 08- 2024, The IBPS SO Prelims exam is scheduled to be conducted on 09- 11- 2024 ( Tentative ). After declaring the Result of the Preliminary exam, IBPS will conduct the SO Main exam on 14 -12 -2024 ( Tentative ).
Candidates willing to apply for IBPS SO Examination are required to fulfil certain conditions to be eligible for it. The candidate who does not satisfy the Eligibility criteria like Age, Minimum educational qualification etc., their candidature shall be rejected by the authorities.
The criteria for eligibility IBPS SO Examination (CRP SPL-XI) are decided by the conduction body itself.
The candidate’s eligibility for IBPS SO Examination (CRP SPL-XI) Examination is based on the fulfilment of the following conditions :
1. Nationality
2. Age Limit & Relaxations
3. Educational Qualifications
A candidate must be either -
A Citizen of India or
A subject of Nepal or
A subject of Bhutan or
A Tibetan Refugee who came over to India before 1st January 1962 with the intention of permanently settling in India or
A person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania (formerly Tanganyika and Zanzibar), Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia and Vietnam with the intention of permanently settling in India, Provided that a candidate belonging to categorise (2), (3), (4) & (5) above shall be a person in whose favour a certificate of eligibility has been issued by the Government of India.
Age Limit:
The Age of a candidate shall be minimum 20 years and maximum 30 Years.
Relaxations of Upper Age Limit:
S.No. | Category | Age Relaxation |
1. | Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe | 5 Years |
2. | Other Backward Classes (Non-Creamy Layer) | 3 Years |
3. | Persons With Benchmark Disabilities as defined under “The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016” | 10 Years |
4. | Ex-Servicemen / Disabled Ex-Servicemen | 5 Years |
5. | Persons affected by 1984 riots | 5 Years |
Educational Qualifications:
Post Code | Name of the Post | Age | Educational Qualifications (from a University/ Institution/ Board recognised by Govt. Of India/ approved by Govt. Regulatory Bodies) |
1 | I.T. Officer | Min- 20 Years Max-30 Years | a) 4 year Engineering/ Technology Degree in Computer Science/ Computer Applications/ Information Technology/ Electronics/ Electronics & Telecommunications/ Electronics & Communication/ Electronics & Instrumentation |
2 | Agricultural Field Officer (Scale I) | Min- 20 Years Max-30 Years | 4 year Degree (graduation) in Agriculture/ Horticulture/Animal Husbandry/ Veterinary Science/ Dairy Science/ Fishery Science/ Pisciculture/ Agri. Marketing & Cooperation/ Co-operation & Banking/ Agro-Forestry /Forestry/ Agricultural Biotechnology/ Food Science/ Agriculture Business Management/ Food Technology/ Dairy Technology/ Agricultural Engineering/ Sericulture |
3 | Rajbhasha Adhikari | Min- 20 Years Max-30 Years | Adhikari (Scale I) |
4 | Law Officer | Min- 20 Years Max-30 Years | A Bachelor Degree in Law (LLB) and enrolled as an advocate with Bar Council |
5 | HR/Personnel Officer | Min- 20 Years Max-30 Years | Graduate and Two Years Full time Post Graduate degree or Two Years Full time Post Graduate diploma in Personnel Management / Industrial Relations/ HR / HRD/ Social Work / Labour Law. |
6 | Marketing Officer (Scale I) | Min- 20 Years Max-30 Years | Graduate and Two Years Full time MMS (Marketing)/ Two Years Full time MBA (Marketing)/ Two Years Full time PGDBA / PGDBM/ PGPM/ PGDM with specialization in Marketing |
1. Qualification should be from a University recognised by the Govt. of India or any equivalent qualification recognised as such by the Central Government.
2. The candidate must possess a valid Mark-sheet / Degree Certificate that he/ she is a graduate on the day he/she registers and indicate the percentage of marks obtained in Graduation while registering online. The fraction of percentage so arrived will be ignored i.e. 59.99% will be treated as less than 60% and 54.99% will be treated as less than 55%.
3. Candidates can apply for only one post. Multiple applications will be summarily rejected.
Eligibility Highlights:
1. The candidate shall be minimum 20 years and maximum 30 years of age.
2. A candidate must possess relevant qualification from a recognised University as per the post.
1. For Official Website- Click here
2. For Official Notification- Click here
IBPS SO Mains Examination 2024: Latest Update
Institute of Banking Personnel Selection has Released the IBPS SO Exam 2024 Notification with the Aim Of Filling 896 Vacancies, on 01- 08- 2024, Last Date for Online Application was 28- 08- 2024, The IBPS SO Prelims exam is scheduled to be conducted on 09- 11- 2024 ( Tentative ). After declaring the Result of the Preliminary exam, IBPS will conduct the SO Main exam on 14 -12 -2024 ( Tentative ).
Activity | Dates |
IBPS SO Notification 2024 | 01 August 2024 |
IBPS SO Mains Examination 2024: Latest Update
Institute of Banking Personnel Selection has Released the IBPS SO Exam 2024 Notification with the Aim Of Filling 896 Vacancies, on 01- 08- 2024, Last Date for Online Application was 28- 08- 2024, The IBPS SO Prelims exam is scheduled to be conducted on 09- 11- 2024 ( Tentative ). After declaring the Result of the Preliminary exam, IBPS will conduct the SO Main exam on 14 -12 -2024 ( Tentative ).
Activity | Dates |
IBPS SO Notification 2024 | 01 August 2024 |
Online Registration Date | 01 August 2024 |
Last Date Of Application | 28 August 2024 |
Date Of Prelims Examination | 09 November 2024 (Tentative) |
Result Of Prelims Examination | Will Be Announced After Exam |
Date Of Mains Examination | 14 December 2024 ( Tentative ) |
1. For Official Website- Click here
2. For Official Notification- Click here
IBPS SO Mains Examination 2024: Latest Update
Institute of Banking Personnel Selection has Released the IBPS SO Exam 2024 Notification with the Aim Of Filling 896 Vacancies, on 01- 08- 2024, Last Date for Online Application was 28- 08- 2024, The IBPS SO Prelims exam is scheduled to be conducted on 09- 11- 2024 ( Tentative ). After declaring the Result of the Preliminary exam, IBPS will conduct the SO Main exam on 14 -12 -2024 ( Tentative ).
Examination Analysis 2022:
The Post wise important questions that were asked in the IBPS SO Mains 2022 exams are as follows:
Rajbhasha Adhikari:
1- Hindi to English & English to Hindi Translation blogs
2- Rajbhasha Adhiniyam
3- Vakya mein truti (Error Detection)
4- Unseen Passage
5- Cloze Test
5- Miscellaneous
IT Officer:
1- Networking
2- Data Structure
3- Operating Systems
4- Data Communication
6- Computer Architecture
7- Computer Security
8- Logic Gates
9- C Language
10- Software Engineering
11- Discrete Mathematics
12- Half Adder
Marketing Officer:
1- Segmentation
2- Strategic Planning
3- Finance
4- Abbreviations
5- Brand Equity
6- Product vertical integration
7- Strategic Units
Law Officer:
1- Code of Criminal Procedure commonly called Criminal Procedure Code (CrPC)
2- Code of Civil Procedure, and Indian Penal Code.
3- Citizenship Amendment Act
4- Money Laundering
5- Competition Act.
6- Reserve Bank of India (RBI)
7- Arbitration
8- Banking regulation.
9- Stamp Act
10- Partnership act
11- Logical Legal Reasoning
Agriculture Field Officer:
1- PM Fasal Bima Yojana
2- Agriculture Engg implements subsidies
3- Greenhouse Gas Classification
4- Nutrient related
5- MSP of Wheat and Rice
6- Plant pathology
7- Production Data on Horticulture
8- Question associated with NABARD
9- Critical Irrigation Stages
10- Water sensitive crops
Overall Analysis:
Posts | Difficulty Level | Good Attempts |
For Rajbhasha Adhikari | Moderate | 43-46 |
For IT Officer | Easy to Moderate | 42-48 |
For Marketing Officer | Moderate to Difficult | 45-49 |
For Agriculture Field Officer | Moderate to Difficult | 35-41 |
IBPS Specialist Officer Mains Analysis 2020-2021:
IBPS Specialist Officer Prelims Exam has been conducted on January 24, 2021.
IT Officer:
The leve
...IBPS SO Mains Examination 2024: Latest Update
Institute of Banking Personnel Selection has Released the IBPS SO Exam 2024 Notification with the Aim Of Filling 896 Vacancies, on 01- 08- 2024, Last Date for Online Application was 28- 08- 2024, The IBPS SO Prelims exam is scheduled to be conducted on 09- 11- 2024 ( Tentative ). After declaring the Result of the Preliminary exam, IBPS will conduct the SO Main exam on 14 -12 -2024 ( Tentative ).
Examination Analysis 2022:
The Post wise important questions that were asked in the IBPS SO Mains 2022 exams are as follows:
Rajbhasha Adhikari:
1- Hindi to English & English to Hindi Translation blogs
2- Rajbhasha Adhiniyam
3- Vakya mein truti (Error Detection)
4- Unseen Passage
5- Cloze Test
5- Miscellaneous
IT Officer:
1- Networking
2- Data Structure
3- Operating Systems
4- Data Communication
6- Computer Architecture
7- Computer Security
8- Logic Gates
9- C Language
10- Software Engineering
11- Discrete Mathematics
12- Half Adder
Marketing Officer:
1- Segmentation
2- Strategic Planning
3- Finance
4- Abbreviations
5- Brand Equity
6- Product vertical integration
7- Strategic Units
Law Officer:
1- Code of Criminal Procedure commonly called Criminal Procedure Code (CrPC)
2- Code of Civil Procedure, and Indian Penal Code.
3- Citizenship Amendment Act
4- Money Laundering
5- Competition Act.
6- Reserve Bank of India (RBI)
7- Arbitration
8- Banking regulation.
9- Stamp Act
10- Partnership act
11- Logical Legal Reasoning
Agriculture Field Officer:
1- PM Fasal Bima Yojana
2- Agriculture Engg implements subsidies
3- Greenhouse Gas Classification
4- Nutrient related
5- MSP of Wheat and Rice
6- Plant pathology
7- Production Data on Horticulture
8- Question associated with NABARD
9- Critical Irrigation Stages
10- Water sensitive crops
Overall Analysis:
Posts | Difficulty Level | Good Attempts |
For Rajbhasha Adhikari | Moderate | 43-46 |
For IT Officer | Easy to Moderate | 42-48 |
For Marketing Officer | Moderate to Difficult | 45-49 |
For Agriculture Field Officer | Moderate to Difficult | 35-41 |
IBPS Specialist Officer Mains Analysis 2020-2021:
IBPS Specialist Officer Prelims Exam has been conducted on January 24, 2021.
IT Officer:
The level of the exam was Moderate to Difficult. The Questions asked from the topics are given below:
Topics | Number of Questions |
Networking | 4- 5 |
Data Structure | 4- 5 |
Operating System | 2- 3 |
DBMS | 5- 6 |
Computer Security | 4- 5 |
Computer Architecture | 2- 3 |
C-Language | 2- 3 |
Software Engineering | 2- 2 |
Marketing Officer:
1. The level of the exam was Moderate.
2. The overall good attempts are 40-45.
The Topics from which questions are asked for the mains exam is given below:
Topics | Number of Questions |
Principles of Management | 4-5 |
Buying Behaviour | 4-5 |
Segmenting, Targeting & Positioning | 6-7 |
Product Lifecycle | 5-6 |
Marketing Research, Forecasting Demand | 2-3 |
4P’s, 7P’s, New Product Development | 5-6 |
Miscellaneous | 6-7 |
Agriculture Field Officer:
The level of the exam of Agricultural Field Officer was Easy to Moderate. The questions were mainly asked from the following areas:
1. Horticulture
2. Entomology
3. Livestock and Breeds
4. Sericulture
5. Bee Keeping
Law Officer:
The level of the exam was Moderate to Difficult. Topics from which questions are asked for the mains exam is given below:
Topics | Number of Questions |
Money Laundering | 3 |
Competition Act, 2002 | 1 |
Limitations Act | 1 |
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) | 2- 3 |
Sarfaesi Act | 2-3 |
Arbitration | 7- 8 |
Banking Regulation | 1-2 |
The Stamp Act | 2-3 |
Partnership act | 2-3 |
Logical Legal Reasoning | 7-8 |
Rajbhasha Adhikari:
The level of the exam was moderate. Topics from which questions are asked for the mains exam is given below:
Topics | Number of Questions |
Reading Comprehension | 5 |
Arrange the given words in Hindi alphabetical/dictionary order | 1 |
Sentence Rearrangement | 2 |
Translation Questions (Eng to Hindi and vice versa) | 10 |
Identify the Hindi meaning of 5 words highlighted in a paragraph given in the English language | 5 |
Error Detection in Hindi (Vakya mein truti) | 3 |
Rajbhasha Related | 10 |
Miscellaneous Questions | 10 |
IBPS SO Final Cut-Off 2020-21:
Post | Category | |||||||
SC | ST | OBC | EWS | UR | HI | OC | VI | |
I.T. Officer | 28.53 | 26.00 | 32.33 | 31.00 | 41.00 | NA | 49.67 | NA |
Agricultural Field Officer | 67.60 | 65.53 | 76.20 | 77.07 | 63.27 | 65.80 | 71.04 | 53.40 |
Rajbhasha Adhikari | 46.33 | 43.40 | 46.40 | 35.20 | 47.93 | NA | NA | NA |
Law Officer | 56.11 | 54.19 | 59.43 | 60.21 | NA | NA | 45.93 | NA |
HR/Personnel Officer | NA | NA | 56.00 | NA | 60.00 | NA | NA | NA |
Marketing Officer | 53.00 | 45.27 | 57.53 | 58.33 | 63.53 | 39.07 | 63.00 | NA |
1. For Official Website- Click here
2. For Official Notification- Click here
IBPS SO Mains Examination 2024: Latest Update
Institute of Banking Personnel Selection has Released the IBPS SO Exam 2024 Notification with the Aim Of Filling 896 Vacancies, on 01- 08- 2024, Last Date for Online Application was 28- 08- 2024, The IBPS SO Prelims exam is scheduled to be conducted on 09- 11- 2024 ( Tentative ). After declaring the Result of the Preliminary exam, IBPS will conduct the SO Main exam on 14 -12 -2024 ( Tentative ).
Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) conducts IBPS SO exam to recruit Specialist Officers in various public sector banks. The exam provides a great opportunity for those who want to be a part of leading public sector banks. Candidates selected through IBPS SO exam are recruited to the various posts, such as Agriculture Field Officer, Marketing Officer, HR/Personnel Officer, IT Officer, Law Officer, and Rajbhasha Adhikari. Selection of candidates is done in three phases-prelims, mains, and personal interview.
Selection Process:
IBPS SO Examination is divided into three main stages:
1. Preliminary Exam
2. Mains Exam
3. Personal Interview
Tips And Tricks:
1. It is recommended that you read all notices thoroughly before beginning your preparation such as Important dates, exam events.
2. Prepare an effective exam study strategy, ensuring that all subjects are given equal priority. Spare some time for rest and leisure activities in between your preparations.
3. The traditional method of learning and studying might become tedious, and you may lose interest in your studies. Other learning approaches such as flashcards, flowcharts, and other visual aids are recommended.
4. When it comes to examinations, it is best to avoid procrastination and worry. Overthinking can lead to overly high levels of dread and anxiety, which can sabotage your preparedness.
5. It is advisable to attempt mini mock tests on a daily basis for every topic studied so to be thorough with the topic.
IBPS SO Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):
FAQ Related To Exam Background:
What are the chances of home state posting in IBPS SO exam? | IBPS SO exam is conducted at the national level, therefore successful candidates can be posted anywhere across the country. |
What are the chances of promotion after joining a bank as a Specialist Officer through IBPS SO exam? | They have a good career path in terms of promotion after selection through IBPS SO exam. |
What is the difference between IBPS SO and IBPS PO? | IBPS SO is conducted to recruit Specialist Officers in different fields such as law, IT, agriculture. On the other hand, IBPS PO is conducted to recruit Probationary Officers in different public sector banks. |
What is the highest level of post one can be promoted to after being inducted as IBPS SO? | If an individual joins the post at an early age, he/she can go up to Scale 7 General Manager post. |
Is there any interview after IBPS SO mains exam? | Yes, candidates qualifying the IBPS SO mains exam are called for a personal interview. |
What will be the language of IBPS SO question papers? | IBPS SO question papers are framed in English and Hindi languages. |
FAQ Related To Exam Duration And Pattern:
In which mode IBPS SO exam is conducted? | The prelims and mains exams of IBPS SO are conducted online by the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection. |
Is there any negative marking in IBPS SO exam? | There is a penalty for wrong answers marked in the objective tests in IBPS SO exam. For each question for which a wrong answer has been given by the candidate one fourth or 0.25 of the marks assigned to that question are deducted as a penalty to arrive at the corrected score. |
What is the normalisation process in IBPS SO exam? | Normalization means bringing the marks at an equal level, considering the difference in the difficulty level of various shifts of the exam. As the exam of IBPS SO, is conducted in different shifts, the scores of candidates are calculated based on the normalisation process. |
What are the total marks allotted for the interview? | The total marks allotted for the interview are 100. |
FAQ Related To Exam Result:
IBPS SO Mains Examination 2024: Latest Update
Institute of Banking Personnel Selection has Released the IBPS SO Exam 2024 Notification with the Aim Of Filling 896 Vacancies, on 01- 08- 2024, Last Date for Online Application was 28- 08- 2024, The IBPS SO Prelims exam is scheduled to be conducted on 09- 11- 2024 ( Tentative ). After declaring the Result of the Preliminary exam, IBPS will conduct the SO Main exam on 14 -12 -2024 ( Tentative ).
Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) conducts IBPS SO exam to recruit Specialist Officers in various public sector banks. The exam provides a great opportunity for those who want to be a part of leading public sector banks. Candidates selected through IBPS SO exam are recruited to the various posts, such as Agriculture Field Officer, Marketing Officer, HR/Personnel Officer, IT Officer, Law Officer, and Rajbhasha Adhikari. Selection of candidates is done in three phases-prelims, mains, and personal interview.
Selection Process:
IBPS SO Examination is divided into three main stages:
1. Preliminary Exam
2. Mains Exam
3. Personal Interview
Tips And Tricks:
1. It is recommended that you read all notices thoroughly before beginning your preparation such as Important dates, exam events.
2. Prepare an effective exam study strategy, ensuring that all subjects are given equal priority. Spare some time for rest and leisure activities in between your preparations.
3. The traditional method of learning and studying might become tedious, and you may lose interest in your studies. Other learning approaches such as flashcards, flowcharts, and other visual aids are recommended.
4. When it comes to examinations, it is best to avoid procrastination and worry. Overthinking can lead to overly high levels of dread and anxiety, which can sabotage your preparedness.
5. It is advisable to attempt mini mock tests on a daily basis for every topic studied so to be thorough with the topic.
IBPS SO Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):
FAQ Related To Exam Background:
What are the chances of home state posting in IBPS SO exam? | IBPS SO exam is conducted at the national level, therefore successful candidates can be posted anywhere across the country. |
What are the chances of promotion after joining a bank as a Specialist Officer through IBPS SO exam? | They have a good career path in terms of promotion after selection through IBPS SO exam. |
What is the difference between IBPS SO and IBPS PO? | IBPS SO is conducted to recruit Specialist Officers in different fields such as law, IT, agriculture. On the other hand, IBPS PO is conducted to recruit Probationary Officers in different public sector banks. |
What is the highest level of post one can be promoted to after being inducted as IBPS SO? | If an individual joins the post at an early age, he/she can go up to Scale 7 General Manager post. |
Is there any interview after IBPS SO mains exam? | Yes, candidates qualifying the IBPS SO mains exam are called for a personal interview. |
What will be the language of IBPS SO question papers? | IBPS SO question papers are framed in English and Hindi languages. |
FAQ Related To Exam Duration And Pattern:
In which mode IBPS SO exam is conducted? | The prelims and mains exams of IBPS SO are conducted online by the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection. |
Is there any negative marking in IBPS SO exam? | There is a penalty for wrong answers marked in the objective tests in IBPS SO exam. For each question for which a wrong answer has been given by the candidate one fourth or 0.25 of the marks assigned to that question are deducted as a penalty to arrive at the corrected score. |
What is the normalisation process in IBPS SO exam? | Normalization means bringing the marks at an equal level, considering the difference in the difficulty level of various shifts of the exam. As the exam of IBPS SO, is conducted in different shifts, the scores of candidates are calculated based on the normalisation process. |
What are the total marks allotted for the interview? | The total marks allotted for the interview are 100. |
FAQ Related To Exam Result:
What if I forget the password while checking IBPS SO result? | The password can be retrieved by clicking the 'forgot password' tab. |
Why it is showing invalid login while checking IBPS SO result? | Candidates must enter the login credentials correctly while checking IBPS SO result. |
What to do if I am not satisfied with the IBPS SO interview marks? | IBPS SO marks are awarded to candidates based on their performance in the exam. Marks obtained cannot be reviewed |
How is the final merit list for IBPS SO prepared? | IBPS SO final merit list is prepared based on the marks obtained in the mains exam and interview. |
What if I forget the password while checking IBPS SO result? | The password can be retrieved by clicking the 'forgot password' tab. |
Why it is showing invalid login while checking IBPS SO result? | Candidates must enter the login credentials correctly while checking IBPS SO result. |
Is IBPS SO prelims marks taken into consideration for final selection? | No, IBPS SO prelims marks are not taken into consideration for final selection. |
1. For Official Website- Click here
2. For Official Notification- Click here
IBPS SO Mains Examination 2024: Latest Update
Institute of Banking Personnel Selection has Released the IBPS SO Exam 2024 Notification with the Aim Of Filling 896 Vacancies, on 01- 08- 2024, Last Date for Online Application was 28- 08- 2024, The IBPS SO Prelims exam is scheduled to be conducted on 09- 11- 2024 ( Tentative ). After declaring the Result of the Preliminary exam, IBPS will conduct the SO Main exam on 14 -12 -2024 ( Tentative ).
Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) conducts IBPS SO exam to recruit Specialist Officers in various public sector banks. The exam provides a great opportunity for those who want to be a part of leading public sector banks. Candidates selected through IBPS SO exam are recruited to the various posts, such as Agriculture Field Officer, Marketing Officer, HR/ Personnel Officer, IT Officer, Law Officer, and Rajbhasha Adhikari.
Based on the performance, the Specialist officer attains promotions. There are internal Interviews and promotional exams which are conducted at regular intervals of time to provide a better career prospects to its employees. Given is the hierarchy that is followed in the case of Specialist Officer.
Scale 1 – Officer / Assistant Manager
Scale 2 – Manager
Scale 3 – Senior Manager
Scale 4 – Chief Manager
Scale 5 – Asst. General Manager
Scale 6 – Deputy General Manager
Scale 7 – General Manager
Job Responsbilities:
The job profile for each post under IBPS SO is based on the specialization a candidate opts for. Given below is the job profile for each post under IBPS SO in brief:
1. IT Officer – Responsible for the online portals, Core Banking Systems, saving the Softwares and online applications from cybercrime and managing any technical glitch in the system of the Organisation.
2. Agricultural Officer – Mainly responsible for the rural field projects managed by the Bank and coordinating with NABARD and other rural development Organisations.
3. Marketing Officer – Emphasizing on the sales and marketing activities of the Banking Organisation.
4. Law Officer – All legal activities are to be taken care of by the Law Officer. All rules and guidelines as mentioned by RBI must be followed.
5. HR/ Personnel Officer – Coordinating with employees, evaluating the performance of an employee and working for the welfare of employees.
6. Rajbhasha Adhikari – Promoting the official languages is one of the most important responsibilities of a Rajbhasha Adhikari.
Salary Structure:
IBPS SO Pay Scale is - 23,700/- to 42,021/- The IBPS SO Salary will also be revised once the 11th Bipartite Settlement is completely implemented. Employees can expect an increment of 40% in the basic pay of IBPS SO salary.
The IBPS Specialist Officer Salary details for various posts are given below:
Grade | IBPS SO Salary |
Officer Scale- I | Monthly salary– Rs. 36400/- |
Officer Scale- II | Monthly salary- Rs. 48800/- |
Officer Scale- III | Monthly salary- Rs. 64600/- |
Perks And Additional Benefits:
The allowances and perks in the IBPS SO Salary are given below:
IBPS Specialist Officer Salary Allowances | |
House Rent Allowance | 7%-9% (Location dependent) |
Dearness Allowance | Rs. 86,05.88/- |
Special Allowance | 7.75% (Scale- I) |
City Compensatory Allowance | 0-4% (depends on location) |
Miscellaneous | Rs. 4100/- |
Particulars | Details |
Exam Name | IBPS SO |
Conducting Body | Institute |
IBPS SO Mains Examination 2024: Latest Update
Institute of Banking Personnel Selection has Released the IBPS SO Exam 2024 Notification with the Aim Of Filling 896 Vacancies, on 01- 08- 2024, Last Date for Online Application was 28- 08- 2024, The IBPS SO Prelims exam is scheduled to be conducted on 09- 11- 2024 ( Tentative ). After declaring the Result of the Preliminary exam, IBPS will conduct the SO Main exam on 14 -12 -2024 ( Tentative ).
Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) conducts IBPS SO exam to recruit Specialist Officers in various public sector banks. The exam provides a great opportunity for those who want to be a part of leading public sector banks. Candidates selected through IBPS SO exam are recruited to the various posts, such as Agriculture Field Officer, Marketing Officer, HR/ Personnel Officer, IT Officer, Law Officer, and Rajbhasha Adhikari.
Based on the performance, the Specialist officer attains promotions. There are internal Interviews and promotional exams which are conducted at regular intervals of time to provide a better career prospects to its employees. Given is the hierarchy that is followed in the case of Specialist Officer.
Scale 1 – Officer / Assistant Manager
Scale 2 – Manager
Scale 3 – Senior Manager
Scale 4 – Chief Manager
Scale 5 – Asst. General Manager
Scale 6 – Deputy General Manager
Scale 7 – General Manager
Job Responsbilities:
The job profile for each post under IBPS SO is based on the specialization a candidate opts for. Given below is the job profile for each post under IBPS SO in brief:
1. IT Officer – Responsible for the online portals, Core Banking Systems, saving the Softwares and online applications from cybercrime and managing any technical glitch in the system of the Organisation.
2. Agricultural Officer – Mainly responsible for the rural field projects managed by the Bank and coordinating with NABARD and other rural development Organisations.
3. Marketing Officer – Emphasizing on the sales and marketing activities of the Banking Organisation.
4. Law Officer – All legal activities are to be taken care of by the Law Officer. All rules and guidelines as mentioned by RBI must be followed.
5. HR/ Personnel Officer – Coordinating with employees, evaluating the performance of an employee and working for the welfare of employees.
6. Rajbhasha Adhikari – Promoting the official languages is one of the most important responsibilities of a Rajbhasha Adhikari.
Salary Structure:
IBPS SO Pay Scale is - 23,700/- to 42,021/- The IBPS SO Salary will also be revised once the 11th Bipartite Settlement is completely implemented. Employees can expect an increment of 40% in the basic pay of IBPS SO salary.
The IBPS Specialist Officer Salary details for various posts are given below:
Grade | IBPS SO Salary |
Officer Scale- I | Monthly salary– Rs. 36400/- |
Officer Scale- II | Monthly salary- Rs. 48800/- |
Officer Scale- III | Monthly salary- Rs. 64600/- |
Perks And Additional Benefits:
The allowances and perks in the IBPS SO Salary are given below:
IBPS Specialist Officer Salary Allowances | |
House Rent Allowance | 7%-9% (Location dependent) |
Dearness Allowance | Rs. 86,05.88/- |
Special Allowance | 7.75% (Scale- I) |
City Compensatory Allowance | 0-4% (depends on location) |
Miscellaneous | Rs. 4100/- |
Particulars | Details |
Exam Name | IBPS SO |
Conducting Body | Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) |
Exam Level | Undergraduate and Postgraduate Exam at National level |
Age Limit | 20 years to 28 years |
Mode of The Examination | Online |
Stages of Exam | Prelims, Mains and Interview |
Purpose of Exam | To recruit Specialist Officers in different public sector banks |
Language / Medium | English and Hindi |
Exam Fee | General: Rs. 850/- & Others: Rs. 175/- |
Official Website | |
The schedule of events is as follows:
Activity | Dates |
IBPS SO Notification 2024 | 01 August 2024 |
Online Registration Date | 01 August 2024 |
Last Date Of Application | 28 August 2024 |
Date Of Prelims Examination | 09 November 2024 (Tentative) |
Result Of Prelims Examination | Will Be Announced After Exam |
Date Of Mains Examination | 14 December 2024 ( Tentative ) |
The application process is online, Applicants who meet the eligibility criteria can fill out the application form. The application process involves several steps, such as registering, completing the application form, uploading the required documents, paying the fee, and final submission. Candidates only need to fill out the application form with correct details, otherwise, you are responsible for rejection.
The steps to apply online for IBPS SO exam are given below:
1. Registration: To apply for IBPS SO, the candidates will need to register on the official website of IBPS To register, follow the steps given below:
Step 1: Go to the official website of IBPS and click on the link at the top of the page- ‘Click here to apply online for CRP SPL X’. After clicking on it, a registration page shall open. Click on the ‘New Registration’ tab to begin your registration process.
Step 2: For registration, provide all basic information such as Name, Address, Email ID, Mobile Number, Date of Birth and Gender, etc.
Step 3: After completion of registration, a provisional registration number and password will be generated. Candidates need to safely keep them as these will be used as login credentials in future.
2. Upload Photo, Signature, Left thumb impression and Declaration: To do this, login again using their registration number and password. After that, they need to upload following documents.
Documents | Dimensions | File size |
Photo | 200 x 230 pixels | 20 KB-50 KB |
Signature | 140 x 60 pixels | 10 KB-20 KB |
Left thumb impression | 240 x 240 pixels | 20 KB-50 KB |
Hand-written declaration | 800 x 400 pixels | 50 KB-100 KB |
3. Fill in details: After successfully uploading the above-mentioned documents, candidates have to enter their details in the next section. Here they have to mention their educational qualification, post preferences etc.
4. IBPS SO application fee payment: The next step of IBPS SO registration is payment of application fee. After furnishing details in the last step, click on 'save and continue' to proceed to fee payment window. There are various options available for online payment; they can pay by using Debit Cards (RuPay/ Visa/ Master Card/ Maestro), Credit Cards, Internet Banking, IMPS, Cash Cards/ Mobile Wallets.
Category | Application fee |
For Scheduled Caste (SC)/ Scheduled Tribe, (ST)/ Persons with Benchmark, Disability (PWBD) | Rs. 175/- |
Others | Rs. 850/- |
5. Print the Confirmation page: The last step is to take four printouts of the confirmation page, after successful payment of IBPS SO application fees. Candidates must keep this acknowledgment page till the admission process is over.
Exam Centres:
The list of IBPS SO test cities for the mains exam is given below.
State | Exam Centre |
Andaman & Nicobar | Port Blair |
Andhra Pradesh | Vijaywada, Vishakhapatnam |
Arunachal Pradesh | Naharlagun |
Assam | Guwahati |
Bihar | Patna, |
Chandigarh | Chandigarh/Mohali |
Chhattisgarh | Raipur |
Dadra & Nagar Haveli and Daman & Diu | Surat |
Delhi | Delhi/New Delhi, Faridabad, Ghaziabad, Greater Noida, Gurugram |
Goa | Panaji |
Gujarat | Ahmedabad |
Haryana | Hissar |
Himachal Pradesh | Hamirpur, Shimla |
Jammu & Kashmir | Jammu, Srinagar |
IBPS SO Admit Card is released separately for Prelims, Mains and Interview. The steps to download IBPS SO admit card are given below:
Step 1: Visit the official website.
Step 2: Click the 'Admit Card' link on the home page.
Step 3: In the login panel, enter registration number or roll number and date of birth or password.
Step 4: IBPS SO admit card appears on the screen.
Step 5: Download the admit card and take its printout.
The IBPS SO Result will be released after each phase of the exam has been successfully conducted. A cumulative score of the mains exam and the interview process is considered to prepare the final merit list of selected students. The Prelims exam is of qualifying nature to shortlist candidates for Mains Exam.
The steps to download the scorecard are given below:
Step 1: Visit the official website.
Step 2: Click on the link for downloading the scorecard.
Step 3: Enter login credentials such as registration no/ roll no and password/ DOB.
Step 4: IBPS SO scorecard appears on the screen.
Step 5: Download the scorecard and take its printout.
1. For Official Website- Click here
2. For Official Notification- Click here
IBPS SO Mains Examination 2024: Latest Update
Institute of Banking Personnel Selection has Released the IBPS SO Exam 2024 Notification with the Aim Of Filling 896 Vacancies, on 01- 08- 2024, Last Date for Online Application was 28- 08- 2024, The IBPS SO Prelims exam is scheduled to be conducted on 09- 11- 2024 ( Tentative ). After declaring the Result of the Preliminary exam, IBPS will conduct the SO Main exam on 14 -12 -2024 ( Tentative ).
Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) conducts IBPS SO exam to recruit Specialist Officers in various public sector banks. The exam provides a great opportunity for those who want to be a part of leading public sector banks. Candidates selected through IBPS SO exam are recruited to the various posts, such as Agriculture Field Officer, Marketing Officer, HR/ Personnel Officer, IT Officer, Law Officer, and Rajbhasha Adhikari.
Below are the post-wise vacancy details:
Sr. No | Posts | Vacancies |
01 | I.T. Officer (Scale-I) | 170 |
02 | Agricultural Field Officer (Scale I) | 346 |
03 | Rajbhasha Adhikari (Scale I) | 25 |
04 | Law Officer (Scale I) | 125 |
05 | HR/Personnel Officer (Scale I) | 25 |
06 | Marketing Officer (Scale I) | 205 |
07 | Total | 896 |
The schedule of events is as follows:
Activity | Dates |
IBPS SO Notification 2024 |
IBPS SO Mains Examination 2024: Latest Update
Institute of Banking Personnel Selection has Released the IBPS SO Exam 2024 Notification with the Aim Of Filling 896 Vacancies, on 01- 08- 2024, Last Date for Online Application was 28- 08- 2024, The IBPS SO Prelims exam is scheduled to be conducted on 09- 11- 2024 ( Tentative ). After declaring the Result of the Preliminary exam, IBPS will conduct the SO Main exam on 14 -12 -2024 ( Tentative ).
Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) conducts IBPS SO exam to recruit Specialist Officers in various public sector banks. The exam provides a great opportunity for those who want to be a part of leading public sector banks. Candidates selected through IBPS SO exam are recruited to the various posts, such as Agriculture Field Officer, Marketing Officer, HR/ Personnel Officer, IT Officer, Law Officer, and Rajbhasha Adhikari.
Below are the post-wise vacancy details:
Sr. No | Posts | Vacancies |
01 | I.T. Officer (Scale-I) | 170 |
02 | Agricultural Field Officer (Scale I) | 346 |
03 | Rajbhasha Adhikari (Scale I) | 25 |
04 | Law Officer (Scale I) | 125 |
05 | HR/Personnel Officer (Scale I) | 25 |
06 | Marketing Officer (Scale I) | 205 |
07 | Total | 896 |
The schedule of events is as follows:
Activity | Dates |
IBPS SO Notification 2024 | 01 August 2024 |
Online Registration Date | 01 August 2024 |
Last Date Of Application | 28 August 2024 |
Date Of Prelims Examination | 09 November 2024 (Tentative) |
Result Of Prelims Examination | Will Be Announced After Exam |
Date Of Mains Examination | 14 December 2024 ( Tentative ) |
The candidates who qualify for the IBPS SO Preliminary Examination with the required cut-off as decided by the IBPS authority are eligible for IBPS SO Main Examination.
A candidate must be either -
A Citizen of India or
A subject of Nepal or
A subject of Bhutan or
A Tibetan Refugee who came over to India before 1st January 1962 with the intention of permanently settling in India or
A person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania (formerly Tanganyika and Zanzibar), Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia and Vietnam with the intention of permanently settling in India,
Provided that a candidate belonging to categories (2), (3), (4) & (5) above shall be a person in whose favour a certificate of eligibility has been issued by the Government of India.
Age Limit:
The Age of a candidate shall be minimum 20 years and maximum 30 Years.
Relaxations of Upper age limit:
S.No | Category | Age Relaxation |
1. | Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe | 5 Years |
2. | Other Backward Classes (Non-Creamy Layer) | 3 Years |
3. | Persons With Benchmark Disabilities as defined under “The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016” | 10 Years |
4. | Ex-Servicemen / Disabled Ex-Servicemen | the actual period of service rendered in the defence forces + 3 years (8 years for Disabled Ex-Servicemen belonging to SC/ST) subject to a maximum age limit of 50 years |
5. | Persons affected by 1984 riots | 5 Years |
Note: The relaxation in the upper age limit to SC/ST/OBC candidates is allowed on a cumulative basis with only one of the remaining categories for which age relaxation is permitted as mentioned above in Point No. (3) to (5).
Education Qualification:
Post Code | Name of the Post | Age | Educational Qualifications (from a University/ Institution/ Board recognised by Govt. Of India/ approved by Govt. Regulatory Bodies) |
1 | I.T. Officer | Min- 20 Years Max-30 Years | a) 4 year Engineering/ Technology Degree in Computer Science/ Computer Applications/ Information Technology/ Electronics/ Electronics & Telecommunications/ Electronics & Communication/ Electronics & Instrumentation |
2 | Agricultural Field Officer (Scale I) | Min- 20 Years Max-30 Years | 4 year Degree (graduation) in Agriculture/ Horticulture/Animal Husbandry/ Veterinary Science/ Dairy Science/ Fishery Science/ Pisciculture/ Agri. Marketing & Cooperation/ Co-operation & Banking/ Agro-Forestry /Forestry/ Agricultural Biotechnology/ Food Science/ Agriculture Business Management/ Food Technology/ Dairy Technology/ Agricultural Engineering/ Sericulture |
3 | Rajbhasha Adhikari | Min- 20 Years Max-30 Years | Adhikari (Scale I) |
4 | Law Officer | Min- 20 Years Max-30 Years | A Bachelor Degree in Law (LLB) and enrolled as an advocate with Bar Council |
5 | HR/Personnel Officer | Min- 20 Years Max-30 Years | Graduate and Two Years Full time Post Graduate degree or Two Years Full time Post Graduate diploma in Personnel Management / Industrial Relations/ HR / HRD/ Social Work / Labour Law. |
6 | Marketing Officer (Scale I) | Min- 20 Years Max-30 Years | Graduate and Two Years Full time MMS (Marketing)/ Two Years Full time MBA (Marketing)/ Two Years Full time PGDBA / PGDBM/ PGPM/ PGDM with specialization in Marketing |
1. Qualification should be from a University recognised by the Govt. of India or any equivalent qualification recognised as such by the Central Government.
2. The candidate must possess a valid Mark-sheet / Degree Certificate that he/ she is a graduate on the day he/she registers and indicate the percentage of marks obtained in Graduation while registering online. The fraction of percentage so arrived will be ignored i.e. 59.99% will be treated as less than 60% and 54.99% will be treated as less than 55%.
3. Candidates can apply for only one post. Multiple applications will be summarily rejected.
How Can Apply:
The application process is online, Applicants who meet the eligibility criteria can fill out the application form. The application process involves several steps, such as registering, completing the application form, uploading the required documents, paying the fee, and final submission. Candidates only need to fill out the application form with correct details, otherwise, you are responsible for rejection.
1. Registration: To apply for IBPS SO, the candidates will need to register on the official website of IBPS To register, follow the steps given below:
a. Go to the official website of IBPS, and click on the link at the top of the page- ‘Click here to apply online’. After clicking on it, a registration page shall open. Click on the ‘New Registration’ tab to begin your registration process.
b. For registration, provide all basic information such as Name, Address, Email ID, Mobile Number, Date of Birth and Gender, etc.
c. After completion of registration, a provisional registration number and password will be generated. Candidates need to safely keep them as these will be used as login credentials in future.
2. Upload Photo, Signature, Left thumb impression and Declaration: To do this, login again using their registration number and password. After that, they need to upload following documents.
Documents | Dimensions | File size |
Photo | 200 x 230 pixels | 20 KB-50 KB |
Signature | 140 x 60 pixels | 10 KB-20 KB |
Left thumb impression | 240 x 240 pixels | 20 KB-50 KB |
Hand-written declaration | 800 x 400 pixels | 50 KB-100 KB |
3. Fill in details: After successfully uploading the above-mentioned documents, candidates have to enter their details in the next section. Here they have to mention their educational qualification, post preferences etc.
4. IBPS SO application fee payment: The next step of IBPS SO registration is the payment of the application fee. After furnishing details in the last step, click on 'save and continue' to proceed to fee payment window. There are various options available for online payment; they can pay by using Debit Cards (RuPay/ Visa/ Master Card/ Maestro), Credit Cards, Internet Banking, IMPS, Cash Cards/ Mobile Wallets.
Application Fees:
Rs. 175/- (inclusive of GST) for SC/ST/PWBD candidates.
Rs. 850 /- (inclusive of GST) for all others
5. Print the Confirmation page: The last step is to take four printouts of the confirmation page, after successful payment of IBPS SO application fees. Candidates must keep this acknowledgment page till the admission process is over.
Exam Centres:
The list of IBPS SO test cities for the mains exam is given below.
State | Exam Centre |
Andaman & Nicobar | Port Blair |
Andhra Pradesh | Vijaywada, Vishakhapatnam |
Arunachal Pradesh | Naharlagun |
Assam | Guwahati |
Bihar | Patna, |
Chandigarh | Chandigarh/Mohali |
Chhattisgarh | Raipur |
Dadra & Nagar Haveli and Daman & Diu | Surat |
Delhi | Delhi/New Delhi, Faridabad, Ghaziabad, Greater Noida, Gurugram |
Goa | Panaji |
Gujarat | Ahmedabad |
Haryana | Hissar |
Himachal Pradesh | Hamirpur, Shimla |
Jammu & Kashmir | Jammu, Srinagar |
For the Post of Raj Bhasha Adhikari:
Test Mode | Name of Test | No. of Questions | Maximum Marks | Duration |
Objective & Descriptive Online Computer Based Test | Professional Knowledge - Objective | 45 Q | 60 | 30 Minutes |
Professional Knowledge - Descriptive | 2 Q | 30 Minutes | ||
Total test = 2 | Total Qs = 47 | Total duration = 60 Minutes |
For the Post of Law Officer, IT Officer, Agriculture Field Officer, HR /Personnel Officer, and Marketing Officer is given below:
For the post of Law Officer, IT Officer, Agriculture Field HR/Personnel Officer and Marketing Officer there will be only 60 questions which will be of multiple type of question (MCQ) of related professional knowledge and there will be no Descriptive type of questions.
Test Mode | Name of Test | No. of Questions | Maximum Marks | Duration |
Objective Type Online Computer Based Test | Professional Knowledge | 60 Ques | 60 Marks | 45 Minutes |
1. Both Objective type and Descriptive Type Test will be held as a Computer Based Test.
2. Both the exams will be in Hindi & English Languages.
3. For each objective type question for which a wrong answer has been given by the candidate one fourth or 0.25 of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted as penalty.
4. If a question is left blank, i.e. no answer is marked by the candidate, there will be no penalty for that question.
Mode of Selection:
Preliminary Exam:
The preliminary selection of the exam will be done through the online written examination. The prelims stage is the first step in the IBPS SO selection process. The candidates who will be able to perform extraordinarily in the first stage will advance to the next step of the selection process smoothly.
Mains Exam:
1. For the Post of Rajbhasha Adhikari, there will be both objective and descriptive types of papers on Professional Knowledge. 45 objective-type questions and 2 descriptive-type questions will be asked. The total weightage will be 60 marks. 30 minutes will be given for 45 objective-type questions and 30 minutes for 2 descriptive-type questions.
2. For the Post of Law Officer, IT Officer, Agriculture Field Officer, HR/Personnel Officer, and Marketing Officer, there will be 60 questions from the Professional Knowledge section carrying 60 marks with a duration of 45 minutes.
1. There will be a penalty for incorrectly marked answers in the Objective Tests. One-fourth of the marks allotted to each question for which the candidate provided an incorrect answer will be deducted as a penalty. There is no penalty if a question is left blank, i.e. no answer is marked by the candidate.
2. The total number of marks allotted for the interview is 100. The minimum qualifying marks for the interview will be 40% (35% for SC/ST/OBC/PWBD candidates). The weightage of the online main examination and the interview will be 80:20. The combined final score of candidates will be calculated using the total scores received by the candidates in the Online Main Examination and Interview. The interview score of candidates who do not meet the minimum qualifying marks or who is otherwise disqualified from the interview or subsequent process will not be released.
3. A candidate must pass both the Online Main Examination and the interview in order to be shortlisted for the subsequent provisional allotment process, the details of which will be made available later on the authorized IBPS website.
Provisional Allotment:
1. The candidates who will be able to get through all the stages of the selection process will be provisionally recruited for the job.
2. Candidates will be provisionally allotted to one of the participating organizations of IBPS based on the available vacancies and merit-cum-preference basis.
3. In case 2 or more candidates obtain the same score in the exam, the merit would be decided based on the date of birth of the candidate, i.e. the candidate higher in age would be placed above the one junior candidate).
Syllabus for IBPS Specialist officer Mains is given below:
Name of the Test | Topics |
IT Officer | Database Management System |
Data Communication and Networking | |
Operating System | |
Software Engineering | |
Agricultural Field Officer | Basics of Crop production |
Horticulture | |
Seed Science | |
Agronomy and Irrigation | |
Marketing Officer | Basics of Marketing Management |
Brand Management | |
Advertising | |
Public Relations | |
Law Officer | Banking Regulations |
Compliance and Legal Aspects | |
Relevant Law and Orders related to negotiable instruments, securities, foreign exchange | |
Prevention of Money-laundering, Limitation Act | |
HR/Personnel Officer | Human Resource Development |
Business policy and strategic analysis | |
Transnational Analysis | |
Training and Development | |
Rajsabha Adhikari | Banking Regulations Passages |
Synonyms-Antonyms | |
Cloze Test | |
Fill in the Blanks |
Admission to Examination Centres:
1. Candidates should reach the examination center 1 hour prior to the commencement of the exam.
2. Candidates need to bring the printed copy of their IBPS SO admit card along with one photo-identity proof (original and photocopy)
3. Candidates need to paste their recent passport-size photographs on it. Candidates need to bring one additional photograph.
4. The accepted photo-identity proof is PAN Card/Passport/Permanent Driving License/Voter’s Card/Bank Passbook with photograph/photo identity proof issued by a Gazetted Officer (on official letterhead)/Photo Identity proof issued by a People’s Representative (on official letterhead)/ Identity Card issued by a recognized College/University/Aadhar Card/E-Aadhar Card with a photograph/Employee ID/Bar Council Identity card with the photograph).
5. Candidates must visit the exam center one day before the exam to confirm the location.
6. Latecomers will not be allowed to enter the exam hall.
7. Traveling allowance will not be provided to candidates.
8. Candidates must bring a ball-point pen, ink stamp pad, and glue.
9. Items that are not allowed inside the exam hall are textual material (printed or written), bits of paper, geometry/pencil box, plastic pouch, calculator, scale, writing pad, pen drives, log table, electronic pen/scanner.
10. Watch/Wristwatch, the camera is not allowed.
The steps to download IBPS SO admit card are given below:
1. Visit the official website of IBPS.
2. Click the 'Admit Card' link on the home page.
3. In the login panel, enter registration number or roll number and date of birth or password.
4. IBPS SO admit card appears on the screen.
5. Download the admit card and take its printout.
The IBPS SO Result will be released after each phase of the exam has been successfully conducted. A cumulative score of the mains exam and the interview process is considered to prepare the final merit list of selected students. The Prelims exam is of qualifying nature to shortlist candidates for Mains Exam.The steps to download the scorecard are given below:
1. Visit the Official Website of IBPS.
2. Click on the link for downloading the scorecard.
3. Enter login credentials such as registration no/ roll no and password/ DOB.
4. IBPS SO scorecard appears on the screen.
5. Download the scorecard and take its printout.
1. For Official Website- Click here
2. For Official Notification- Click here
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The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) has released the scorecard for the Specialist Officers (SO) Mains Examination 2025...
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Candidates who appeared for the Specialist Officer (SO) Mains examination can access their scorecards on the official IBPS website...
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Candidates who appeared for the examination can check their results on the official IBPS website. The result will be available from February 7 to February 14, 2025...
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Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) has released the Specialist Officer (IT Officer, Law Officer & Various Other Posts) 2024 Mains Exam Admit Card...
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Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) has released the Specialist Officer (IT Officer, Law Officer & Various Other Posts) 2024 Prelims Exam Result...
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Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) has released the Specialist Officer (CRP SPL-XIII) 2023 Interview Call Letter...
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Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) has released the Specialist Officer (CRP SPL-XIII) 2023 Mains Exam Scorecard...
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IBPS SO exam is conducted at the national level, therefore successful candidates can be posted anywhere across the country. For access full information of IBPS SO exam click on General information button above.
They have a good career path in terms of promotion after selection through IBPS SO exam. To know more about IBPS SO promotion please click on above General information button. All the necessary information about IBPS SO promotion is available on above General information button.
IBPS SO is conducted to recruit Specialist Officers in different fields such as law, IT, agriculture. On the other hand, IBPS PO is conducted to recruit Probationary Officers in different public sector banks.
If an individual joins the post at an early age, he/she can go up to Scale 7 General Manager post. You can easily get all the information regarding promotions, salary structure and many more by clicking on the above general information button.
Yes, candidates qualifying the IBPS SO mains exam are called for a personal interview.
Except for the English language test as the other tests are conducted both English and Hindi. For getting full access of IBPS PO exam pattern click on above Format button.
The IBPS SO Exam is conducted every year by the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS ) to recruit Specialist Officers for different positions in the Public sector banks in India.Notopedia aims to provide you all the latest information about the exams, just go to our exam section>sarkari job exam. Select the field first and then exams, now you are all set to explore all the latest updates.
It is not possible to prepare for an exam like IBPS SO in a few days. Devoting a lot of time is very necessary for you to crack this exam.To discover all the most recent information on the exams that Notopedia has to offer, visit our exam area and choose "sarkari job exam." After selecting the field and exam, you may now view all of the most recent updates.
The full form of IBPS SO is (Institute of Banking Personnel Selection for Specialist Officers). To get all the information about IBPS SO Exam go to the General Information button above.
The prelims and mains exams of IBPS SO are conducted online by the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection. To know in detail about IBPS SO Exam Mode, Language, Pattern etc. go through the format button given above..
There is a penalty for wrong answers marked in the objective tests in IBPS SO exam. For each question for which a wrong answer has been given by the candidate one fourth or 0.25 of the marks assigned to that question are deducted. For each question for which a wrong answer has been given by the candidate one fourth or 0.25 of the marks assigned to that question are deducted. Format button which is given above provides you full detail of IBPS SO exam marking scheme.
Normalization means bringing the marks at an equal level, considering the difference in the difficulty level of various shifts of the exam. As the exam of IBPS SO, is conducted in different shifts, the scores of candidates are calculated based on the Normalisation. To get detailed knowledge of normalisation process, method and its importance go to format tab which is given above.
A total of 100 marks have been prescribed for IBPS SO Interview. For more information regarding the format of IBPS SO, click on the Format button above.
The IBPS SO mains examination will be held in 2 shifts.To discover all the most recent information on the exams that Notopedia has to offer, visit our exam area and choose "sarkari job exam." After selecting the field and exam, you may now view all of the most recent updates.
The IBPS SO Mains Exam shift timings are Shift 1- 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Shift 2 - 02:00 PM – 04:00 PM. Notopedia aims to provide you with all the latest information about the exams, just go to our exam section>sarkari job exam. Select the field first and then exams, now you are all set to explore all the latest updates.
The stages of the IBPS SO selection process are mentioned below - IBPS SO Prelims, IBPS SO Mains & IBPS SO Interview.To discover all the most recent information on the exams that Notopedia has to offer, visit our exam area and choose "sarkari job exam." After selecting the field and exam, you may now view all of the most recent updates.
The password can be retrieved by clicking the forgot password tab. For information regarding how to check IBPS SO exam result go to above General information button.
Candidates must enter the login credentials correctly while checking IBPS SO result.
IBPS SO marks are awarded to candidates based on their performance in the exam. Marks obtained cannot be reviewed. For full schedule of IBPS SO exam result click on schedule tab above.
IBPS SO final merit list is prepared based on the marks obtained in the mains exam and interview.
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