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National Fertilizers Limited Management Trainee 2024 Result Released


Total Posts : 164 Location : Uttar Pradesh

National Fertilizers Limited Management Trainee 2024 Result Released


Total Posts : 164 Location : Uttar Pradesh
Posted On 1st October, 2024
Starting Date 12th June, 2024
Closing Date 2nd July, 2024
Designation Management Trainee

Result: Click Here

Download Admit Card: Click Here

Age Limit 18 - 27 years (Age relaxation is applicable as per NFL)

Graduate, Post Graduate (Relevant Subject)


Advt. No: 03 (NFL)/2024

Details of posts with a category-wise breakup are as follows:

The post-wise, Qualification are as follows:

Application Fee GEN : 700  OBC : 700  EWS : 700
Pay Scale

Minimum Rs. 40,000/- & Maximum Rs. 1,40,000/- Per Month

Examination Date 10 August 2024
Selection Process Written
Admit Card

07 August 2024​​​​​​​

Job type Contractual
Application mode Online
Walkin Interview No
Exam Venue Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh, Chandigarh, Chhattisgarh, Delhi etc
Important Links
Apply online :Link
Official Notification :Link
Official website :Link
How to apply

1. Read the advertisement carefully, Before you apply.

2. The candidates should apply online through the official link on or before 02 July 2024.

3. Keep your Documents whole, and at the time of submission check each document carefully.

4. Wherever an Application Fee is required for Submission of an Application, It Must be submitted on time, or else the Application will be rejected.

5. After successful submission of an application, it is required to have a copy of your application form, for further process.

6. For any other information, visit the official site.

General Instructions:

1. Only Indian Nationals are eligible to apply.

2. NFL will not undertake detailed scrutiny at the time of receipt of application forms of candidates for eligibility and other aspects of shortlisting and, therefore, the candidature is only provisional. Before applying, candidates are advised to go through the advertised recruitment specifications w.r.t. essential qualification, age etc. and satisfy themselves that they are eligible for the post. When scrutiny is undertaken, if any claim made in the application form is not found substantiated, the candidature of such candidates will be cancelled and decision of NFL shall be final.

3. No modifications are allowed after candidate submits his/her application form. If any discrepancies are found in the data/particulars furnished by the candidates in his/her application form and that of the original testimonies, the candidature of such candidates is liable to be rejected. Hence, utmost care should be taken to furnish correct details while filling their application forms.

4. While applying, candidates should mention their full name as it appears in Certificate / Marksheet issued by a Board of Secondary Education for passing Matriculation which shall be the only acceptable document in support of proof of age.

5. Candidates employed in Central/State Government/Quasi-Government/Public Sector Undertakings/ Autonomous Bodies as on cut-off date shall be required to produce ‘Permission letter / No Objection Certificate’ at the time of document verification from their employer intimating/stating permission from the Competent Authority/ Management for them to apply for a particular post in NFL notified vide this advertisement. Such candidates, if offered appointment, shall be required to submit proper & unconditional “Relieving Memo./Discharge Order/Release Order” from their employer at the time of joining, without which they will not be allowed to join.

6. Candidates in online application form have to necessarily declare and provide details in case he/she has been arrested, prosecuted, kept under detention or fined, FIR filed in any Police Station, convicted by the Court of Law for any offence debarred / disqualified by any Public Service Commission from appearing in its examination or if proceedings are pending against him in any Court of Law.

7. Details once submitted in the online application form will be final and any request for any change including change in correspondence address/email address/mobile number/category shall not be entertained. Candidates are, therefore, advised to carefully fill up their online application.

8. The age limit and the minimum educational qualification are the minimum eligibility criteria and mere possession of the same by the candidate does not entitle him/her for participating in the selection process. NFL’s decision on all the matters relating to eligibility, acceptance or rejection of the application, mode of shortlisting or selection, cancellation of the selection process etc. shall be final & binding. No queries or correspondence shall be entertained in this regard.

9. Mere admission to the selection process does not imply that NFL is satisfied about candidate’s eligibility. The candidates should ensure that the details mentioned in the application form are correct and are in conformity with the eligibility criteria for the post applied for, as mentioned in the advertisement. The candidature of all applicants would be provisional and subject to subsequent verification of credentials of candidates w.r.t. advertised recruitment specifications, certificates/testimonials, Caste/PwBD/ExSM etc. Candidates, if shortlisted, would be required to bring in all original certificates at the time of document verification, failing which they may not be issued offer of appointment / allowed to join.

10. If at any stage of the recruitment process or subsequently, it is found, that the applicant: a. has provided wrong information or submitted false documents or b. has suppressed relevant information or c. does not meet the eligibility criteria for this recruitment or d. has resorted to unfair means during selection process or found guilty of impersonation He/she will be liable to be disqualified, prosecuted and debarred for all future appointments in NFL and her/his application/appointment will be cancelled/rejected forthwith. Further such candidates shall render themselves ineligible for consideration at any stage of selection and for termination of their services at any time during employment, if recruited.

11. Further, NFL reserves the right to cancel/restrict/enlarge/modify the recruitment/selection process of advertised posts without any further notice or assigning any reasons whatsoever, if need so arises. Filling up of vacancies is solely at the discretion of the Management based on suitability of candidates and no claim will arise for appointment, if some of the vacancies are not filled.

12. Candidates should possess a valid email ID as the same is mandatorily required for registration for online applications. Candidates are also advised to keep the E-mail ID as well as Mobile Number, as filled-in in their online application form, active for at least one & a half year from cut-off date. No change in the E-mail ID will be allowed once submitted. All future information/communication regarding participating in the selection process shall be provided through uploading on NFL’s website and/or e-mail/SMS to the candidates, found prima-facie eligible, based on the information submitted by them in their online application data. Responsibility of receiving and downloading of information/communications, etc. will be of the candidate. NFL will not be responsible for any delay in communication/inactiveness of the E-mail ID, loss of email sent due to invalid/wrong E-mail ID submitted by the candidate in online application form and no correspondence in this regard shall be entertained.

13. Candidates shortlisted based on the marks secured in offline OMR based examination and found prima-facie eligible based on the online application submitted will be called for participating in the Selection Process.

14. Candidates should retain their copy of online Application Form and/or Pay in e-receipt and Admit Card for future reference as they will be asked to produce it at the time of document verification.

15. All necessary information/ updates regarding this recruitment including corrigendum/ addendum/ errata, date of Offline OMR based examination, opening of window for challenging questions & answers, list of candidates shortlisted etc. in respect of this advertisement shall be displayed only on NFL’s website→Careers→Recruitment in NFL→ Engagement of Management Trainees in NFL2024.

16. Prospective applicants are advised to visit NFL website regularly for latest update with regard to this advertisement as no further press advertisement will be issued.

17. Any proceedings in respect of any matter of claim or dispute arising out of this advertisement/recruitment process and/or an application submitted in response thereto will be in the Court of Jurisdiction of New Delhi only to the exclusion of all other Courts.

18. Candidates have to ascertain themselves their eligibility vis-à-vis advertised recruitment specifications for a post for which they are applying for. Issues related to form fill up, payment of application fee, if any, may be addressed to the or on Helpline No. +91-8660511568 from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM on working days.

19. In case of any ambiguity/dispute arises on account of interpretation in versions other than English language advertised in Newspaper/Employment News/Website, English version available on the website will prevail.

20. Canvassing in any form shall be considered a disqualification for employment in the Company.

How to apply

1. Read the advertisement carefully, Before you apply.

2. The candidates should apply online through the official link on or before 02 July 2024.

3. Keep your Documents whole, and at the time of submission check each document carefully.

4. Wherever an Application Fee is required for Submission of an Application, It Must be submitted on time, or else the Application will be rejected.

5. After successful submission of an application, it is required to have a copy of your application form, for further process.

6. For any other information, visit the official site.

General Instructions:

1. Only Indian Nationals are eligible to apply.

2. NFL will not undertake detailed scrutiny at the time of receipt of application forms of candidates for eligibility and other aspects of shortlisting and, therefore, the candidature is only provisional. Before applying, candidates are advised to go through the advertised recruitment specifications w.r.t. essential qualification, age etc. and satisfy themselves that they are eligible for the post. When scrutiny is undertaken, if any claim made in the application form is not found substantiated, the candidature of such candidates will be cancelled and decision of NFL shall be final.

3. No modifications are allowed after candidate submits his/her application form. If any discrepancies are found in the data/particulars furnished by the candidates in his/her application form and that of the original testimonies, the candidature of such candidates is liable to be rejected. Hence, utmost care should be taken to furnish correct details while filling their application forms.

4. While applying, candidates should mention their full name as it appears in Certificate / Marksheet issued by a Board of Secondary Education for passing Matriculation which shall be the only acceptable document in support of proof of age.

5. Candidates employed in Central/State Government/Quasi-Government/Public Sector Undertakings/ Autonomous Bodies as on cut-off date shall be required to produce ‘Permission letter / No Objection Certificate’ at the time of document verification from their employer intimating/stating permission from the Competent Authority/ Management for them to apply for a particular post in NFL notified vide this advertisement. Such candidates, if offered appointment, shall be required to submit proper & unconditional “Relieving Memo./Discharge Order/Release Order” from their employer at the time of joining, without which they will not be allowed to join.

6. Candidates in online application form have to necessarily declare and provide details in case he/she has been arrested, prosecuted, kept under detention or fined, FIR filed in any Police Station, convicted by the Court of Law for any offence debarred / disqualified by any Public Service Commission from appearing in its examination or if proceedings are pending against him in any Court of Law.

7. Details once submitted in the online application form will be final and any request for any change including change in correspondence address/email address/mobile number/category shall not be entertained. Candidates are, therefore, advised to carefully fill up their online application.

8. The age limit and the minimum educational qualification are the minimum eligibility criteria and mere possession of the same by the candidate does not entitle him/her for participating in the selection process. NFL’s decision on all the matters relating to eligibility, acceptance or rejection of the application, mode of shortlisting or selection, cancellation of the selection process etc. shall be final & binding. No queries or correspondence shall be entertained in this regard.

9. Mere admission to the selection process does not imply that NFL is satisfied about candidate’s eligibility. The candidates should ensure that the details mentioned in the application form are correct and are in conformity with the eligibility criteria for the post applied for, as mentioned in the advertisement. The candidature of all applicants would be provisional and subject to subsequent verification of credentials of candidates w.r.t. advertised recruitment specifications, certificates/testimonials, Caste/PwBD/ExSM etc. Candidates, if shortlisted, would be required to bring in all original certificates at the time of document verification, failing which they may not be issued offer of appointment / allowed to join.

10. If at any stage of the recruitment process or subsequently, it is found, that the applicant: a. has provided wrong information or submitted false documents or b. has suppressed relevant information or c. does not meet the eligibility criteria for this recruitment or d. has resorted to unfair means during selection process or found guilty of impersonation He/she will be liable to be disqualified, prosecuted and debarred for all future appointments in NFL and her/his application/appointment will be cancelled/rejected forthwith. Further such candidates shall render themselves ineligible for consideration at any stage of selection and for termination of their services at any time during employment, if recruited.

11. Further, NFL reserves the right to cancel/restrict/enlarge/modify the recruitment/selection process of advertised posts without any further notice or assigning any reasons whatsoever, if need so arises. Filling up of vacancies is solely at the discretion of the Management based on suitability of candidates and no claim will arise for appointment, if some of the vacancies are not filled.

12. Candidates should possess a valid email ID as the same is mandatorily required for registration for online applications. Candidates are also advised to keep the E-mail ID as well as Mobile Number, as filled-in in their online application form, active for at least one & a half year from cut-off date. No change in the E-mail ID will be allowed once submitted. All future information/communication regarding participating in the selection process shall be provided through uploading on NFL’s website and/or e-mail/SMS to the candidates, found prima-facie eligible, based on the information submitted by them in their online application data. Responsibility of receiving and downloading of information/communications, etc. will be of the candidate. NFL will not be responsible for any delay in communication/inactiveness of the E-mail ID, loss of email sent due to invalid/wrong E-mail ID submitted by the candidate in online application form and no correspondence in this regard shall be entertained.

13. Candidates shortlisted based on the marks secured in offline OMR based examination and found prima-facie eligible based on the online application submitted will be called for participating in the Selection Process.

14. Candidates should retain their copy of online Application Form and/or Pay in e-receipt and Admit Card for future reference as they will be asked to produce it at the time of document verification.

15. All necessary information/ updates regarding this recruitment including corrigendum/ addendum/ errata, date of Offline OMR based examination, opening of window for challenging questions & answers, list of candidates shortlisted etc. in respect of this advertisement shall be displayed only on NFL’s website→Careers→Recruitment in NFL→ Engagement of Management Trainees in NFL2024.

16. Prospective applicants are advised to visit NFL website regularly for latest update with regard to this advertisement as no further press advertisement will be issued.

17. Any proceedings in respect of any matter of claim or dispute arising out of this advertisement/recruitment process and/or an application submitted in response thereto will be in the Court of Jurisdiction of New Delhi only to the exclusion of all other Courts.

18. Candidates have to ascertain themselves their eligibility vis-à-vis advertised recruitment specifications for a post for which they are applying for. Issues related to form fill up, payment of application fee, if any, may be addressed to the or on Helpline No. +91-8660511568 from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM on working days.

19. In case of any ambiguity/dispute arises on account of interpretation in versions other than English language advertised in Newspaper/Employment News/Website, English version available on the website will prevail.

20. Canvassing in any form shall be considered a disqualification for employment in the Company.

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